Sunday, April 29, 2012

You don't bring me flowers

A swarm of runners heads towards the flowers in Amherst's 2nd annual Daffodil Fun Run

While maybe not quite as large as the throng who attended the Extravaganja pot festival in town center yesterday, it was good to see such a large turnout for a healthier endeavor like the Daffodil Fun Run, a 3.1 mile run/walk past scenic spots in Amherst that attracted over 1,000 participants with all the proceeds going to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County, an iconic local social service agency.
An almost equally large swarm of walkers headed up the rear of the pack


  1. Hey Larry, seen this?

    Occupy-related events are planned in 115 cities throughout the U.S., from college towns such as Amherst, Massachusetts, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago and Philadelphia

    "Global Disruption" in Amherst?!?!?

    Wonder what the spoilt brats will do, another Doctress Neutopia-like use of ATMs as public toilets?

    Go for it children. Show the whole world just what a cesspool Amherst truly is...

  2. Sheesh, Ed, give it a rest already. What is your ETD (estimated time of departure) from Amherst? Many of us will want to throw a party as we all bid you adieu!

  3. Larry, why do you let cowardly anonymous schmucks hide behind anonymity (although I have no doubt Google would give up the IP addresses in a heartbeat with a subpoena) and engage in malicious ad hominem attacks?

    I am just wondering...

  4. Free speech is seldom Shakespearean. Or, as cops would say, "It is what it is."

  5. OK, Larry, and if I started listing the cop's home phone numbers -- not really hard to obtain but something that the drunken schmucks whom they arrest aren't bright enough to know how to find -- would that be "free speech" too? What about if I started posting where their children could be found, i.e the Boy Scout, CYO and whatever activities they were involved in.

    Where do you draw the line?

    Where do you draw the line Larry?

    I know where I draw it -- and to the police officer and the rest, be assured that no matter what you did to me and mine, I would never do this sort of stuff because I have a line that I don't cross. There is information that I simply will not make public.

    But Larry, is there a line as to what *YOU* won't make public?

  6. Yes Ed, there is.

    And I know it when I see it.

  7. Ed, the king of malicious ad hominem attacks, complaining when someone says there will be a celebration when he leaves. How silly is that!

    Get a life, Ed, you schmuck!

  8. Again... Ed saying weird s**t about our kids.

    Does anyone else see the pattern? He's always talking about our kids, and rape, and violence against our cops...

    Ed sure is using his right to free speech in a freaky way.
