Monday, April 2, 2012

Party House deja vu

In spite of seasonably inclement weather--a cop's best friend--and a published plea from Select Board Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe in the venerable Mass Daily Collegian (3rd letter down, so not exactly top billing) outlining party behavior that is "Not OK", the damn kids went and did it anyway.  Party that is.  Not OK!

Especially since my winner this week for 'Party House of the Weekend' is the same location requesting a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals to double occupancy from a one family (4 maximum unrelated tenants) to a two family (max of eight).  Which in this case would seem to indicate a doubling of party house potential.  Not OK.

 156 Sunset Ave, within shadow of Southwest Towers

According to Amherst Police Department logs:
12:41 AM early Sunday morning

Large party 200+ people with DJ equipment.  Arrested for Noise and Nuisance House violations ($600 each):

Stephanie Blynn, 14 Valerie Dr, Plainville, MA, age 21
Heather Ohandley, 16 Hillside Rd, Plainville, MA, age 22
Shauna Obrien, 15 Melrose Ave, Wakefield, MA, age 22

Meanwhile on the street near 156 Sunset Ave:

ETOH (highly intoxicated) female on the roadway and unable to walk or get up.  Upon speaking with Nicole, she stated she was going to her dorm, as she attempted to go in the opposite direction of Southwest.  Nicole stated she was coming from the party at 156 Sunset Avenue.  Transported Nicole to her dorm.


  1. Cowardly Anon NitwitApril 2, 2012 at 2:05 PM

    Stephanie's letter was not a heart-felt appeal, but rather a condescending lecture about ineffective noise violation tickets. This is a prime example of why the "vaunted" tickets don't work.

  2. Larry, where are your endorsements for tomorrow?

  3. Cowardly Anon:
    The tickets work, but they're just not given out enough.

  4. Cowardly Anon NitwitApril 3, 2012 at 1:56 AM

    Then they don't work, as you state there is a failure to issue them, which means the venture is a failure to work... thus they fail to work.

    Also, may I see how this is reflected in the police and fire response calls? The tickets don't seem to show any change in there, and wouldn't increased fines (or so the townsfolk argue) lead to a reduction of parties and thus a reduction of dangerous behavior such a small group takes part in? Or perhaps the students causing the ruckus to that degree don't care about the tickets, but the stereotyping by the town of students as party yahoos clamming to be fined just creates resentment among the responsible student body?

  5. Actually what you need to look at Cowardly Anon Nitwit is the number of repeat offenders, which is relatively small.

    For instance will the Wild Women, errr, I mean nice young ladies cited above make my Party House of the Weekend again?

    If they were not cited would they continue their obnoxious behavior unabated?

    No and Yes.

  6. What Larry doesn't know is that UMass is rapidly approaching critical mass of lawsuits filed by students, and thus the days of the admin supporting this stuff are numbered. And it isn't the ticket as much as the grief the student gets from UMass for receiving it that limits repeat offenders.

  7. Yes, the party houses of the week are indeed embarrassing!

  8. dont you people have anything better to do than track down kids who have parties? you know you live in a COLLEGE TOWN! if you dont like it then get out cause the university is only expanding

  9. Track down? The party houses are not very hard to find.

  10. i bet your some creep who actually loves to find blame within 20 year olds. Seriously though do you have any loved ones who need maybe an ounce of your time? if so how do you have the time to faceless blog? it appears not, i would assume you have some low grade job in western massachusetts which allots you to have time to do things like this. Keep in mind you are speaking about people who you have never met.

  11. Unlike you I am far from faceless.
    Larry Kelley

  12. Larry, how about you address the questions I posed earlier? Also, where do you think your town, economy be, if not for the students?

  13. Click the tag "nuisance house" on this post and go back over 18 months of these posts--especially the comments.

    I've addressed those questions so many times. So very many.

  14. Right, 10,000,000 extra in fire and police services is way less than the hundreds of millions in tax revenue. Basic math?

  15. Actually UMass is tax exempt so they are immune from the town's property tax, except for the Campus Center Hotel. Although they do pay water/sewer.
