Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Love Hurts

In addition to the federally funded "Cops in Shops" program that places undercover police officers in local package stores to nab underage youth with fake IDs, perhaps APD should initiate a bartender program in the downtown to catch over consumption of alcohol and even more important, provide therapy.

3:06 AM, early Sunday morning (in the pouring rain):

Two females were observed under the overhang of Moti.  Both were crying and visually upset.  I stopped to inquire if any issues existed?  One of the two females was scheduled to be married soon and tonight was her  bachelorette party.  The wedding, however, was called off tonight by the groom.  They were very upset.  A curtsey transportation was provided.



  1. I understand this is public information, but it is embarrassing and unwarranted to publish such personal problems. How does this help society? Please don't undermine the journalistic integrity here with revealing someone at their moment of weakness when it really isn't any of our business.

  2. Did not reveal anyone by name now did I?

    The names were withheld to protect the innocent (or whatever they used to say on Dragnet.)

  3. Jack the Social ChairApril 24, 2012 at 1:31 PM

    This is Malarkey. Please take this down.This is not Journalism.

  4. No, it was journalism and pretty decent of the officer.

    Those girls aren't going to forget that and some time later this spring you well could see one of them grabing some drunken guy's elbow and saying "don't you dare" as he is about to wind a beer bottle at a cop.

    I am assuming, of course, that they are UM students and not locals. But either way, it was a decent thing to do.

    Now as to last THURSDAY's AFD log?

  5. where do you get off putting the bartender and the two females involved in such a negative light? It's like you're putting blame on the bartender for the girls crying. It seemed like they had a bad night, no need to make them sound like they have problems or need therapy.

  6. You have a solid point Larry, but it seems like something CNN/Fox/mainstream entertainment rather than actual journalists would put up.

  7. A good journalist simply holds up a mirror to reflect what actually happened...And sometimes, it's sad.

  8. hey ed, if you want thursdays log ask them yourself

  9. I'm including it in my next post, coming soon.

    But the full week log is a little different than the weekend one, with less detail.

    The weekend logs are created with extra detail specifically to illustrate the effect our institutes of higher education have on the Fire Department.

  10. Seems to me, this is Larry's blog. He's entitled to post anything he wants. Not everything has to be front-page news...

  11. How dare anyone say what Larry should post here or not!! This is a blog and the content is compelling. That alone should justify its presence.

    But not only is it compelling but is presented in a way that serves the public much like a mirror used to point out a blemish in how we as a society ignore alcohol abuse.
    Bravo Larry!

  12. Anon 1007,

    I wouldn't call it alcohol abuse based on one data point. Not sure if you, as a Cowardly Anon Nitwit, have ever gone through a divorce or broken wedding but I think the girl had a right to unwind a bit. She did go overboard, but as I stated above this does not constitute alcohol abuse.

  13. I wish you hadn't posted a picture of Moti -- I looked at it and thought, what bad thing happened at that wonderful restaurant, Moti? And the answer: nothing. Location here was completely irrelevant, but the inclusion of a picture makes Moti *look* like the main component of one of your usual "there's been a bad drinking incident" stories.

  14. to Cold Feet April 24th 1:23 pm and Jack the Social Chair, April 24th 1:31 pm:

    Some used to tell amazing graffiti artists "This is not Art, cover it up." Now others hang their work in national galleries.

    Are you an academic?

    The times they are a'changin'.
