Thursday, April 12, 2012

Circle the (Welcome) Wagons

The "Welcome Reception" for two new employees put on by town officials in the prime location for all things governmental, the Town Room, was well attended this afternoon.  Major local developers--Barry Roberts, Rich Slobody, Scott Nielsen--mixed with Select Board members, police brass, department heads, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tony Maroulis, and Nancy Buffone, UMass Executive Director of External Relation.

Obviously the town put on this meet and greet pageant to demonstrate their commitment to solving the vexing problem of non owner occupied rental property bringing down the quality of life in residential neighborhoods throughout the town.

And it's a multi front mission.  Town Meeting enacting bylaws and new zoning regulations and these gentlemen enforcing those regulations.  Or of course, the Amherst Police Department.
Jon Thompson (far right), building inspector/code enforcement officer receives bottle of Bayer from Cinda Jones. Dave Ziomek, Nancy Buffone, Stephanie O'Keeffe in the middle

Rob Morra, Building Commissioner, chats with Cinda and Evan Jones


  1. How many UMass students were present? Or invited?


    Tells me the success this will have: ZERO.

    Unless you intend to have your police department starting shooting the students at point blank range, you won't get anywhere with this approach -- ever....

    I will be so glad to be clear of this cesspool....

  2. Down, Ed, down. I think you have rabies.

  3. As soon as you leave, the cesspool will be drained. Have a nice day!

  4. ed it was posted on the town web site and every one was invited...even you could have gone.....

  5. Was it posted on the UMass website?
    Was there a letter to the UMass newspaper about it?

    No. And we have not seen this level of segregation since Jim Crow.

  6. I didn't get an engraved invitation either. BFD

  7. Happy trails to you, Ed. When you're gone us hopeless Amherst fools will just sit here and tremble in vague apprehensive terror day after day after day.
