Saturday, April 21, 2012

Amherst Sustains (a little)

Although not nearly as well attended as the annual Extravaganja (coming up next week) the Amherst Sustainability Festival attracted a diverse--albeit--small, hardy crowd to the Town Common.  As did the coinciding seasonal debut of the Amherst Farmers Market, now returned to the original Spring Street Parking lot, their home for the past 39 years.

DPW completed Spring Street reconstruction just in the nick of time

W.D. Cowls distributed tree seedlings

 Cinda (Jones) the Friendly Bear (Jada, not so sure)
And of course no Amherst Town Common event is without politics


  1. Are you ready for next week's event on the common, Larry?

  2. Oops, i see you mentioned it right in the beginning. Will you be offering a report?

  3. Geeze, if I can cover the "Sustainability Festival" I sure as hell can cover a pot festival. I first did a Amherst Bulletin column on it in the late 1990s

    Maybe I'll get to photograph tweens lighting up like I did four years ago (and some Nitwit Anons were concerned I violated the little darlings right to privacy).
