Thursday, March 8, 2012

Women Rule (Especially in Hamp)

The nifty main street bicycle overpass, immediately adjacent to the truck eating bridge, in Northampton center provides the perfect high ground for protesters to garner maximum attention.  And today around 4:30 PM, a handful of women came to demonstrate on International Women's Day calling for peace and the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power plant. 

They brought the banners to easily attache to protective fencing and a portable public address system to taut their temporary occupation.

On the way back to Amherst we spotted another handful of women protesters on the busy Calvin Coolidge Bridge packing in their banners.  The brief dual bridge protest was done. 

The war in Afghanistan, however, continues.


  1. So to celebrate women's day they demonstrated against the war in Afghanistan . . .

    . . . which is being fought against people who oppress women.

    Not doing a swell job of demonstrating women's intelligence today.

  2. I thought they were protesting the abysmal treatment of women in other countries.

    On another note, a stranger on a cable car in San Francisco wished Mom and me "Happy International Women's Day!"
