Monday, March 19, 2012

Party Apartment of the Weekend

 Cathedral Apartments: brick building center

You would think somebody with a unique name like Sergey Vuytik would be a tad more careful about getting arrested--especially for a second time for the same obnoxious offense.  And let's not even talk about the Bad Boy being old enough to know better at age twenty seven.

According to police logs Mr Vuytik was arrested for "a blaring stereo" at 3:45 AM early Sunday morning in his apartment complex which is located almost in the center of Amherst.  Apparently Sergey moved from his former nuisance house at 83 Morgan Circle, much to the delight I'm sure of his former neighbors.

Arrested for Noise:
Sergey Vuytik, 51 Jacqueline Rd  Apt #12, Waltham, MA, age 27


  1. Hey Sergey,

    Noise violation $300. Sony MDR RF970RK wireless headphones $45. Due the math.

  2. Noise violation $300. Sony MDR RF970RK wireless headphones $45

    Going to graduate school in a place where the cops have better things to do than hassle college kids, priceless....

    Amherst Sucks

  3. Now if only you would take your like minded friends with you.

  4. Stop embarrassing your fellow students please and take your idiocracy away, I do not need you belittling my institution anymore. If you think Amherst sucks please choose any other place.

  5. "You would think somebody with a unique name like Sergey Vuytik would be a tad more careful about getting arrested" - mind telling us what you mean exactly by "unique"?

  6. You know, it seems like all of you Amherst townies are a part of this conspiracy against literacy. You can't spell, you don't know the grammar, and you hate UMass and the students.

    Do the math.

    [...]take your idiocy away[...]



  7. Anonymous said...

    You know, it seems like all of you Amherst townies are a part of this conspiracy against literacy. You can't spell, you don't know the grammar, and you hate UMass and the students.

    Do the math.

    [...]take your idiocy away[...]



    March 28, 2012 2:31 PM

    "perhaps that comment explains why Amherst spends more per pupil then it's sister city, Northampton!
