Thursday, March 29, 2012

O Lorax, Where Art Thou?

100-year-old row of quaint New England sugar maples now on Death Row.

After weathering the last 100 years, including the devastating October 29 tree killer snowstorm, a row of majestic sugar maples that have provided shade, oxygen and protection from the wind to generations of agricultural minded citizens is now threatened by the biggest tree killer of all:  development.

Even though these trees are outside their jurisdiction, the Amherst Public Shade Tree Committee unanimously endorsed a letter to Town Manager John Musante requesting they "be respected and protected for all present and future members of the Amherst community."

Amherst Town Meeting acquired Hawthorne Farm property for $500,000 to preserve open space, add to our pitifully small stock of affordable housing (the land includes a house and barn) and preserve open space/recreation, although many town meeting members assumed it meant passive recreation. 

But soccer parents and politicians who court their votes are quick to rev the bulldozers anytime the town acquires an expensive parcel of property bigger than a breadbasket.   Although, turning the rolling topography of Hawthorne into a smooth aircraft carrier quality flatness will require millions of additional tax dollars.

And, the death of those stately sentinels.


  1. Has anyone looked at pictures of New England 100 years ago when most of the land was farmland? There are more trees now in Amherst than there were 100 years ago.

  2. More soccer fields? You have got to be kidding! Didn't we spend enough on the ones on Potwine Lane, which was supposed to be for the 4-Her's and their riding?
    And considering that our fire department is only running at half the staff which they should be running on, shouldn't we be directing any additional funds to public safety?

  3. I have kids who play sports, we have pleny of fields. Put the money into better care for them. Do we need another Potwine fiasco?

  4. "Wherefore" means "why".
