Monday, March 5, 2012

Frat-Boy Frolics

374 N Pleasant St,  Pi Kappa Alpha. Managed by Kendrick Properties

Early this morning Amherst Police delivered unto the President, Chris Lehmann, and two Vice Presidents of Pi Kappa Alpha, a frathouse animal house on the gateway to UMass, one $300 ticket each for "Nuisance House" violations after separate incidents over the weekend.

The first occurred Friday afternoon when police cruisers were flagged down in front of the frat to relocate two pesky patrons causing a disturbance.  The frat was hosting a closed event party and apparently the two males were gatecrashers.

The more serious incident occurred early Sunday morning (12:30 AM) when APD responded to a call to quell a fight at yet another party at the 374 North Pleasant Street frat.  One individual, who was jumped by "ten frat brothers" after tumbling down stairs, was repeated kicked in the head while on the ground by a perp wearing construction boots.  AFD transported the victim to Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

According to APD logs:

While clearing out the frat, I located a subject who had been kicked in the right eye two or three times.  AFD was contacted and arrived on the scene and transported to CDH.  Before the victim left the scene he was able to identify the suspect who was then taken into custody.

William Sawyer Chaplin, 120 Ocean Ave, Woodmere, NY, age 19, A&B, disorderly conduct
Nicholas Pepe, 222 High St, Stirling, NJ, age 20, A&B with dangerous weapon
Brian Patrick Lewis, 99 Laurelwood Dr, North Attleboro, MA, age 21, assault with dangerous weapon

Summons issued:
Alexander Labib, 48 Woodland Rd, Roslyn, NY, age 20, A&B

Springfield Republican Reports (Bad boys make the Big Time)


  1. And the police want to discourage what transpired on Friday afternoon WHY????

    Seems like the frat was behaving responsibly by asking the police to remove the two gate crashers to try to avert problems.

  2. Oh I think there's a tad more to that particular incident than what made it into the police logs.

    Either way, it was really the second incident that garnered them the tickets and that incident alone was more than enough.

  3. The first "incident" seems like the responsible thing to do. A lot of people would not have handled two strangers walking into their home in such a responsible way. This is the exact way the police want students to handle a situation like that. Whether or not the 2nd incident is the whole story, by including the first "incident" in your post, you ruin all of your credibility.

  4. And if I edited out the first incident you would question my journalistic integrity and accuse me of sensationalistic propaganda.

    Hell, I was even going to throw in the boys at Pi Kappa Alpha have a 3.4 GPA.

    Or at least they did last year when one of them whined on WBURs website on an article about UMass that used a picture of the frat for a ZooMass illustration:

  5. Try getting more information first before falsifying it just to post on your blog.

  6. So are you denying police visited Pi Kappa Alpha, 374 N Pleasant St, (Managed by Kendrick Properties), early this morning to hand deliver three tickets for being a "Nuisance House"?

    Are you denying that someone was beaten enough early Sunday morning so that he required transport to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital by AFD?

  7. yea. thats exactly it

  8. And do you also deny the Holocaust took place; and do you think 9/11 was an inside job?

    How about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy?

  9. Making comparisons to the holocaust (in which my grandfather was a survivor of) and 9/11 (in which I watched the twin towers fall from my 6th grade math class) is quite offensive, and absolutely unacceptable LarryK. Maybe if you knew that the person sent to the hospital was a resident of the house and was in fact ASSAULTED by the "deadly weapon" maybe you would see that the residence of 374 North Pleasant Street (Managed by Kendrick Management) were the victims.

  10. You boys seem to be victimized fairly routinely.

  11. No one is looking for your sympathy. We just want the truth to be known.

  12. Fresh out of sympathy for frat houses, party houses, or party apartments.

    Feel free to start your own blog.

    And you WILL get the chance to tell the judge your story. I'm sure it will be a good one.

  13. Larry,
    do some research, beyond popular mechanix
    you will find you are wrong.
    911 was a multiple national, multiple lettered agency conspiracy. it did not originate in Saudi Arabia. boldly making the above statement makes you look uninformed. sure you know a lot about amherst and south Korea, but how much do you know about global events of the past century? if you knew more, you would not say what you said.

    if you honestly believe some fires brought down 3 major steel buildings....
    building seven...explain it to me from your understanding....

  14. Well at least you don't question the Holocaust.

  15. Hi 'Bach
    Thank you for showing us why you flunked out of architecture school. Perhaps you couldn't pass structures?

  16. Larry, my guess is that the APD wasn't as concerned about the 2 cruisers being flagged down as much as the later SECOND AFD run there at 3:13 AM Friday Night/Saturday Morning for a SECOND "trauma/assault."

    It is in your AFD log -- read it.

    That fraternity is protected by the Mass Republican Party, there is no one associated with it who is less that scum, and what they have gotten away with in the past is mindboggling. (It is why i have no respect for the APD anymore.)

    I credit the APD officer who wrote them for having the courage to issue the $300 tickets, but you will see that officer leaving the force soon. These schmucks are protected by the Mass Republican Party, which somehow has the ability to play these power games here but can't pay its own phone bill at times....

  17. One other thing -- how many of the "party houses" issued tickets have even ONE AFD ambulance run for "trauma/assault", let alone TWO ambulance runs on CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS before the get a ticket? Shouldn't PIKE be getting TWO sets of tickets for what they did on TWO different nights?

    Any comment from Michael Wiseman at Greek Affairs or Dean Enku about this -- frats have been SHUT DOWN for far less than this!!!

  18. I am a university student and Im pretty sure that a boy named Brad is.

    Yep, I am sure his name is "Brad." And that his last name starts with a "D". And that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are having wild, passionate gay sex on the roof of the Fine Arts Center.

    You folks are so pathetic. Do you realize that you are the reason why I am no longer a Republican and actually will vote for Obama if Romney gets nominated? Yep, Mitt, PIKE is the reason.

    Larry, these are the schmucks who claimed that I could see through solid brick walls. And it wasn't the 4" of brick as much as the 6" of stucco behind it that sorta obscures the vision. But the university was so afraid of the mASSgop that they never bothered to accept basic reality.

    This "Brad" they mention -- they got him arrested for walking through the solid brick wall of Bartucci's. Yep, the judge said the same thing, along with the polite comment that it would be wise for the DA to make that allegation go away -- this in open court.

    Those schmucks can burn in Hell!

  19. Hey Ed,

    Are you sure?

  20. Larry you have obviously struck multiple nerves with this otherwise routine party-house post: the frat boys are indignant, Ed seems to have been totally derailed to the point where he is raving about republicans and phone bills, and last but not least we have the 9-11 truthers chiming in! Only In Amherst indeed.

  21. What is Ed talking about? Rants like this make me worry about his mental health.

  22. While I agree with most things on here Larry and I do not sympathize with party houses ruining the town, it is wrong to lump all students together in one pot (which most citizens of The Republic do for UMass; funny how it's hardly ever Amherst or Hampshire, guess you don't bite the hand that feeds?). The men of Pi Kappa Alpha, a brother fraternity back in the day before I graduated were solid guys who dedicated plenty of time and effort to the community but that never seems to make the news. That doesn't mean that they did not do anything wrong here, that is up to the police and courts, but it just doesn't seem the character of such a place to intentionally let things get that way. As for stereotyping everyone as party-animals, that's plenty unfair and I recall watching a town meeting in which the townfolk was quite offended of a student paper article characterizing everyone as cranky.

    As for saying they spent time whining on WBUR, couldn't you have chose a better, less partisan verb? Defending would have been more fair of a choice.

  23. Properties managed by Kendrick are usually owned by absentee landlords who make minimal repairs, fail to maintain properties and generally do not care who they rent to. Of course, that might describe any number of "property management companies" in Amherst.

  24. What is Ed talking about? Rants like this make me worry about his mental health.

    No, his mental health is fine.

    Much like no matter how many people praised the Emperor's new outfit didn't change the fact that he was still stark naked, no matter how many schmucks at PIKE make wild & unfounded allegations about my mental health, it is perfectly fine.

    Thank you for your "concern."

    (And with all the people who don't like me, don't you think that something would have happened if there was even the slightest scintilla of truth behind all of the wild allegations made about me?)

    PIKE: Getting underaged MHC girls drunk since 2009....

  25. actually i have been building things all of my life, with all kinds of materials, so i bet i have a much better understanding of how materials react than you would imagine.

    "Fact 7) Outspoken John O'Neil Dies At Ground Zero. Former FBI Deputy Director John O'Neill, who wanted to investigate the terrorists that were planning to blow up the trade towers on 9/11, was prevented from doing so by George W. Bush. Disgusted and angry that the Bush administration was obstructing justice [the media reported] he resigned. John O'Neill was given a new career as Director of Security at the Trade Towers in New York City. He died his first day on the job."

    there is a lot more than just the controlled demos...

  26. PIKE has been doing that activity since way before 1968 ...

  27. okay, making comparisons to 9/11 and the Holocaust is in absolutely no way offensive, at least in the manner Mr. K had stated. he was making a point, and a very valid one, you're not the only one who was affected by the two events and Mr. K was not disrespecting the events in any manner.

    i also fail to see any counterpoint to what happened at the second Pike incident. What is there to deny that someone was beaten and then taken to the hospital for it? How is that deniable? try making a counterpoint before discrediting someone else

  28. i also fail to see any counterpoint to what happened at the second Pike incident. What is there to deny that someone was beaten and then taken to the hospital for it? How is that deniable?

    I concur.

    From the AFD log -- unless someone wishes to argue that it was altered:

    3Mar 0303 -- Trauma-Assault
    4Mar 0048 -- Trauma-Assault

    OK, we have the AFD reporting that they carried a victim of an assault & battery out of PIKE twice in less than 22 hours and for those of you who graduated from the ARHS, that is less than a day.

    What other side of the story can there be but than 2 male victims needing an ambulance run as the result of "Trauma-Assault" inside less than 22 hours?!?!?!?

    There seems to be pretty clear evidence that two guys were beaten up inside your building. Are you arguing that this didn't happen?!?!?

    Exactly what part of this are you claiming not to be true?

  29. Anyone trying to minimize what happened that night is just wrong. I was there and saw a good deal of what happened personally, this was assault plain and simple. I don't if everyone was in the frat or just there for the party, but a fight definitely happened and was out of control. At least one of the kids, a big guy with curly black hair, looked especially angry though and it seemed like he was just belligerently trying to hit people. probably one of the kids who was arrested.

    It happened at their frat house, so the responsibility of this thing has to fall on them.

  30. Story matches that posted on Daily Gazette. Personally, I think they should raise the price of fines. $300 isn't that steep if students are willing to get them over and over again.

    Rumor on campus is that $300 is a joke of a fine. The kids that get in the most trouble are financed by parents heavily. Normal college students cannot afford to buy as much alcohol as these parties provide, and the fines would be crippling.

    The bigger issue is the rumor I heard on campus that cops are intimidated, and almost fearful of giving fines. Perhaps, UMass needs cops to arrive in larger numbers (not that it is possible), but something needs to change.

    Fines aren't enough. Clearly.

    -Informed college student.

    P.S. Larry, its not worth replying to posts that are clearly there only to insight a reaction. Just saying.

  31. Thanks. I'll try to control myself.

  32. is it necessary to post the boys' addresses? i think that is unsafe for them...

  33. Yeah, especially when Mommy and Daddy Google their names someday.

  34. Cowardly Anon NitwitMarch 14, 2012 at 2:06 AM

    Ed, you're confusing Amherst College with UMass unless you were forcing girls to drink just so you're socially approachable while you were here. Please stop belittling the UMass name with the crazed antics.

  35. I wish i had enough free time to cruise around Amherst with a police scanner and cause nothing but trouble. Journalism is supposed to be objective writing, not a Michael Moore documentary with a clear political agenda. You really need another hobby...

  36. A "clear political agenda"? Yeah, I want to turn all the Bad Boys into sniveling democrats.
