Friday, March 30, 2012

Controlled Burn

So I paid the newly instituted $25 fee (good for unlimited burns through May 1), had the Fire Department come do an inspection, ran a hose out to the debris pile, and then lit a match..or two...or three.


  1. Here's a call to vote for as many non-incumbents as you can for Town Meeting next Tuesday.

    Time to give someone else a chance for a change.

  2. Too bad there aren't enough candidates, incumbent or otherwise, to fill the number of seats available in most precincts. Which leads me to ask, Anon 7:13, are you running?

  3. This is Anon 7:13.

    I'll bet I've been on Town Meeting longer than you, Anon 8:45.

    But no, I'm not running. Time to give other people a chance, I repeat.

  4. Anybody looked at the people actually running for Town Meeting?

    Can you say "economic development"?

    NOT! as "not gonna happen".

    Baer Tierkel is going to be a very lonely man in there. Perhaps he should rethink his Catherine Sanderson temper tantrum when he alienated some of his friends.
