Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blarney Blowout Busted?

Last night Town Manager John Musante "updated" his bosses, the Amherst Select Board, on important "quality of life" issues that give the town a horrible name, namely party houses like the one at 186 College Street (owned by individuals more interested in profits than peace) and party businesses--McMurphy's and Stacker's--only interested in keeping the taps flowing via irresponsible, juvenile promotions like "Blarney Blowout".

And while it sounds like Musante is taking the responsible parties to the woodshed for a much needed spanking (metaphorically speaking of course), since those discussions are private, we may never know.

Excuse the buzz in the background. Amherst Media seems more interested in TV than Internet feeds


  1. The "Blarney Blowout" is a blatant offense against public order. Can't the town schedule some kind of long, in-depth, comprehensive health and safety inspection of all bars for next March 17?

    Or at least threaten the saloon owners with one if they don't stop encouraging drunken riots and alcohol poisoning?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you keep saying Rafter's, but it's STACKER'S who is the other offender...

    And, aren't they they the people looking to reopen the old Charlie's?

    Just what we need! NOT.

  4. At least I got it right on the main post this time! And yes, they are the same dudes trying to open Old Towne Tavern where Charlie's used to be.

    Corrected comment responding to Anon 9:41 AM:

    Yeah, it's also offensive to the Irish. Maybe we can get them for "hate speech."

    Responsible bar owners in town must be cringing. Last night the town manager simply referred to downtown "bars" never singling out the two--McMurphy's and STACKER's--who are owned by the same entity.

    Judie's has a bar component as does the newly reopened Lord Jeff Inn, but both of them are ultra responsible and would NEVER participate in such nonsense.

  5. At least Barsie's is blameless.
