Saturday, February 11, 2012

Party Concert

UMPD evidence confiscated early in the evening from one vehicle
UPDATE 6:20 PM:  Saturday night is not starting out so hot.  Another dumpster fire at Hobart Lane.  And the fireworks at North Amherst Winterfest stimulates a bevy of calls to 911

Like the melody of a song that gets stuck in your head, "200 Commonwealth Ave", the Mullins Center address, will stay with me for a while as that became a loop run for Amherst Fire Department ambulances starting even before the Rusko concert (drunken young woman fell and broke her arm).

UMass Police did their best to be proactive: patrolling expansive parking lots with an armored car and unmarked patrol cars--swooping in when alcohol was visibly in possession by minors--but on nights like this, you may as well bail out the ocean with a plastic red cup.

Riot buster on patrol outside Mullins Center

The concert started at 7:30 PM, but over an hour later coatless young men in short sleeve shirts and young women dressed in even shorter black skirts with midriffs exposed, streamed down Commonwealth Avenue from the Southwest area heading toward the Mullins Center, while many of the vehicles converging on the scene had out-of-state license plates.

The good thing of course is the concert kept thousands of students on campus, the bad thing, however, is our Fire Department became like a Domino's Pizza delivery service--carrying cargo from the Mullins Center to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

And the saddest thing? It's become routine.

AFD ambulance at the Mullins Center. Load 'em up


  1. Larry, cars with out-of-state license plates that park in the parking garage and disgorge overweight women in way-too-short skirts (if you are that heavy) are not -- inherently -- UM students.

    Nor is that a school event -- it is an event by the private company which manages the Mullins -- and I hear that they are a division of Comcast.

    So Comcast and not UM ought to be subsidizing these ambulance runs...

  2. I'll give that confiscated bottle of V-1 a home if there's no room at UMPD for it...

  3. Is liquor returnable?

    The profits could support our wasteful school budget

  4. I really thinks it will be next to impossible to turn Amherst around. Not that anyone really wants to I suspect. Far too many livlihoods would be impacted.

  5. It is unbelievable how much money is made off the "party" industry. Landlords, liquor stores, taxis, tow trucks, lawyers, the court system,late night restaurants, etc.
