Monday, February 13, 2012

Party Apartment of the Weekend

 Crestview Apartments, North Amherst

Amherst Police were called to #35 Crestview Apartments very early Saturday morning (2:10 AM) for "loud music and voices coming from listed location."

According to APD narrative: "Upon knocking on the door observed a bong in plain view. There was also a marijuana grinder and marijuana joint in plain view on the table. Perp slammed the door and ran inside to hide the contraband. Door was finally answered. Items listed were seized and perp was issued citation for noise and marijuana less than an ounce."

Given citations for noise ($300) and marijuana ($100) violations: Jared Johnson, age 21


  1. it Amherst sucks that bad that you're going to make a big deal of 5 college students smoking weed at night listening to music then you should leave the town. there's not need for right-wingers like you to whine about how bad the college kids are. you should have blogged about how someone ripped the sign off crestview this weekend and not stalk one apartment there who was never asked to turn the music down (it wasn't even that loud and i live in the area

  2. Funny, neither APD or I mention "5 college students." Hmm...

  3. Oh and stop quoting everything, it's redundant and shows your apparent incapability to speak for yourself.

  4. Actually I think it shows how well trained our police force is that they know how to write in a quotable manner.

    It's also a good way to avoid lawsuits, not that you can file one anonymously.

  5. Kickin' Kelley huh? What a cool must have some cool friends...

  6. Actually I do. Just check my Facebook page. And none of them are Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

  7. Hey Anon, personally I don't care about the weed, but if it's 2 in the morning they've got to know enough to turn the music down without being asked. There's no such thing as 'wasn't even that loud' at that hour of the night. Obviously someone was bothered enough to call the cops.

  8. someone was bothered enough to call the cops but not grow a pair and ask nicely? and that's fine that you don't care about the weed but the APD did and freaked out about it. Everyone needs to relax. parties with 200+ on hobart are a bigger issue than a few guys listening to music smoking pot. get your priorities straight

  9. You're also the coward for not posting my comments or replying to them. Way to sit behind a computer screen and select what you would like others to see, and what you respond to. I would call that cowardly Mr. Kickin' Kelley. Also, it says you attended UMass as well...way to be a hypocrite. You've been here for your entire life, as well as the 4 generations before you? Why not move? I think it would do you,and the town of Amherst some good. Sucks that you've stayed here and bitched about students your entire life. Born and raised in Amherst, coming from a family who was also born and raised? Then you attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst? Seems pretty miserable, but that was your choice. Maybe my friends and I will have to pay the Amherst Athletic Club a visit if you continually ignore posts and choose not to respond to us.

  10. Hey Anon @8:44, sounds like you've got Larry beat in the miserable department. Time to just let it go, take a deep calming breath and move on.

  11. I agree with his pathetic, miserable life...but I wasn't even one of the people at the apartment when the cops came. His blog is just full of pointless complaints that could be solved by not living in Amherst. He should move on and do something with his life.
