Sunday, February 5, 2012

I fought the law, and the law won

Chanting and cheering, a throng of UMass students confront police clad in riot uniforms Southwest 10:40 PM

It was then the police horses showed up

And the crowd quickly dispersed


  1. Man, those horses are beautiful! I hope they got an extra carrot for working overtime.

  2. Here's a better video, Larry. You can see from this angle what happened, which really wasn't that terrible (all things considered). Just a typical night for those animals.

  3. seems like they confronted each other...

  4. those darn kids, with their chanting and cheering after the super bowl!

  5. jeez, what constitutes a riot these days? i saw a lot of smiling, laughing, cheerful celebrating... is it the toilet paper roll streamers some threw into the air that alarms you?

    my goodness, they're teenagers, larry!

  6. Yeah, that's why I put riot in quotation marks when I uploaded video to youtube.

    However you can clearly hear a small plastic (full) bottle of water implode with a squishy sound, because it was thrown from up above.

    A few years back the UMPD Chief was almost killed by a full gallon container of liquid dropped from 20-plus stories up.

  7. larry was there with his little video camera hoping for a big riot so he'd have something to do today, when nothing transpires he fantasizes about a big confrontational riot that he was in the midst of.

  8. Actually I think the MSM coverage was a little more breathless than mine.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. wait a minute, who fought who? that's what your headline implies: that there was a fight between students and police, and the police won.

  11. Obviously you're too young, but some of my more mature readers will recognize the song.

  12. I wish the school would stamp RIOT across the front of those diplomas of who was involved.

    On another note, Youtube videos show various other school students there, such as Westfield State and Amherst College. What are they doing there?

  13. I guess MSM is not the only one who's a tad breathless .

  14. APD and UMass PD, well certainly not pleasant 100% of the time, are only doing their job. I will ensure that my future donations to UMass do not go replacing destroyed furniture, or anything along those lines. In fact the university should not replace anything broken during the riots by students and let them understand the implications of their behavior.

  15. :So much for the United States of America and civil rights. UMass unilaterally canceled them last night."


    We can smell your hyperbolic comments a mile away.

  16. I will ensure that my future donations to UMass do not go replacing destroyed furniture

    Speaking for 97% of the alum, I will assure you that I won't donate to UMass, ever, for anything....

  17. If you ever get to be an alum, Ed...

  18. Oh my goodness! College kids in a college town having fun! Call the National Guard! No injuries, no property damage, no NOTHING! My UM police buds said the so-called "riot" lasted about ten minutes. ALERT THE MEDIA!!!!!!!

    "LIGHTEN UP, FRANCIS" (aka "Larry") - Sergeant Hulka

  19. I'd much rather them "having fun" on campus rather than the usual late night frolicking in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

  20. I agree with Anon 5:43. It seems it did not turn into a "riot" until the police arrived and used heavy handed tactics on a group of kids who were just milling about.


    And no, I am not a student. I am a 59 year old resident of amherst.

  21. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    The one or two times the gatherings did get out of control, the cops were criticized for not being proactive enough.

  22. I would hope the police had the expertise and discretion to determine when they are needed. UMass is beginning to feel like a police state.

  23. I was there, and it was the drunk students who started it. The police anticipated this, sure, but were behind the scenes causing no trouble. The majority of arrests were made by undercover police. What does this mean? The kids were not incited by the presence of the police to do stupid things, as they did not know the undercovers were there and did them anyways. I for one think the students should be expelled, I am sick of my tuition being smashed and broken.

  24. SO the fact that kids were arrested by undercovers does not mean that they were not incited by the uniformed officers. They uniformed officers picked out a select few and pointed them out to the undercovers. The kids that were arrested were not confronting the police but mostly just grabbed to be made example of. And if you think these students should be expelled, then you didn't write the Student Code of Conduct.

  25. AND the picture taken of the kids with their hands up was taken right after the police set off flash grenades. It is understandable that they would look riled up. How effective were these flash grenades? sooo effective...
