Saturday, January 21, 2012

Occupy Amherst Town Hall

Amherst Town Hall in the middle of a storm 12:15 PM

Occupiers pulled a George-Washington-crossing-the-Delaware and successfully orchestrated an occupation of Amherst Town Hall...which is closed on Saturday.

And even if they managed to shut it down during normal business hours, would anyone in town even notice?


  1. Hmm, doesn't seem to me that town hall is exactly Wall Street. More like the people we've hired to do our bidding so we have paved roads, schools, parks,sewers, etc. I think they need to get better glasses.

  2. I did recognize an Amherst Town Meeting member or two in the crowd. They of course would have a natural affinity for Town Hall.

    Kind of like the drunk looking for car keys under a street light away from where they were lost but hey, the lighting is better.

  3. I have to ask if the UMass students did the same thing, would the response be as nonchalant? If the sign said "cops are not people" as opposed to "corps are not people" -- would it be as respected?

    The term is "content neutrality" and there isn't a whole lot of it in Amherst...

  4. and tomorrow everyone will be occupying another part of Amherst; Rafters, The Hanger, ABC ... for the Patriots game.

  5. Grammy and Grampuh, when you pass on, will you leave us Amherst in your wills?

  6. Fools! Go volunteer at the Survival Center or the Homeless Shelter where you can actually make a difference.

  7. Anon 12:52 is right, town hall is not Wall Street so what's the point of targeting town hall? I see they got the 'corporations are not people' talking points memo. I'd have more respect for the OWS movement if they occupied Whitmore and demanded the faculty take a 25 percent pay cut. Higher ed is as much of a profit oriented business as Wall Street is.

  8. Evidently Mr. Soros wants his troops to keep in shape over the winter so they'll be ready for next summer's riots.

  9. Anon 1005:

    Why do you presume some of the protesters do not already volunteer at the places you mention?

    Also, do you volunteer at the Homeless shelter or Survival Center?

  10. Larry,

    Don't you and your readers understand that these protesters are democracy and freedom of speech in action?? It is what we as a country are all about. One may disagree with their position but to be calling them fools and generally deriding them for the simple act of protesting seems to somehow denigrate one of our purest freedoms as a country. And yes, I know that they have the first amendment right to call everyone fools....just pointing out that maybe they want to think twice about denigrating the simple act of protest. I never hear any denigrating of tea party protesters on your blog. Gee, I wonder why.

  11. Actually I have not mentioned the Tea Party as they have not had much visibility in Amherst.

    But back in October when they came calling on the same day as Occupy I covered them all the same (along with the whacko with the anti-semitic sign) and the aging anti-war folks who have "occupied" downtown Amherst for 35 years worth of Sundays.

  12. Amherst is not sustainable. It will crash and burn -- and i will be glad.

  13. I have a tendency to agree with you on this Ed. Amherst can only live in this bubble they created for so long before it bursts. They tax the crap out of the property owners, most of the departments seems to run unaccountable for their irresponsible actions, and we dole out overides like holloween candy do try and support the weakened structure. At some point a generation will come along that will halt all this and get Amherst on a pro-active rather than re-active path. Unfortunatly most of us will either be dead or have moved away by then.

  14. What have you contribtued for the good of the cause, Ed? Appears that all you ever do is complain, and at great length to boot.

    In the least, hire and editor.

  15. What have you contribtued for the good of the cause, Ed?

    Warned you schmucks back when there was still time to change your ways.

    And when Amherst burns, and I do mean burns, I will just grab a beer and watch it on Fox News. Dispassionately, with neither concern nor sympathy, although i will try to refrain from the "what you sow, so shall you reap" line...

  16. I'd have more respect for the OWS movement if they occupied Whitmore and demanded the faculty take a 25 percent pay cut.


    And this is why I have no respect for Amherst. None.
