Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello, hello, hello?

Amherst Police responded to a Summer Street residence on Saturday morning and again Sunday night to referee an ongoing battle between a landlord and a female tenant who rents a room in the house. File this under "cost of doing business" (paid by taxpayers).

10:53 AM Saturday

RP states that her neighbor is banging on her door threatening her.

Spoke to landlord who stated the RP was supposed to be evicted today. Male party stated that he attempted to give the RP an ultimatum to sign an agreement about when she'd be leaving or that the Sheriff's office would be notified.

Sunday 10:40 PM

RP requesting to speak with an officer regarding harassment from her neighbor.

Ongoing landlord/tenant issue. RP states she is being harassed by X, landlord's friend. RP rents a room from the landlord and was walking into common kitchen area, where X said "hello" to RP four times. RP thought this was harassing and threatening. I advised her that she can seek a 258E court order Tuesday at Eastern Hampshire District Court. This officer spoke with X. He states he was only being cordial by saying "hello". He has been advised not to talk with her. He agrees. Ok 95.


  1. Human, all too human. Certainly not "only in Amherst."

  2. It must be a boring week with the students gone to have to put this story on your blog.

  3. Yeah, I miss them already.

    Although I'm sure a bunch of neighbors who can now sleep at night do not miss them much.

  4. Larry, can anyone get access to these APD incident reports online? Exactly how?

  5. Nah, the Gazette would not like that. They already lost all their lucrative Classifieds to Craigslist.

  6. Why does the gazette have anything to do with it?

  7. Because it would take a Gazette editorial supporting it--pointing out the town website proudly trumpets "open government to the max"--to make it happen.

    But that's not going to happen because they like to be the gatekeeper of such things.

    I would support it as long as the town provided an IT person to do it rather than a police officer, since the department is so shorthanded as it is.
