Saturday, January 14, 2012

Da Boot

If you owe Amherst ticket money, don't park near Town Hall

Now if only Amherst was this aggressive with recovering those $300 nuisance house violation tickets, our neighborhoods would be soooooo much better off. And if UMass really cared, they would assist the town by linking payment of these fines to the issuance of a diploma--like they do with their parking tickets (not that party hardy types have a high graduation rate).

Yes, within hours the fines were paid


  1. When a nuisance ticket is issued, send a brown shirter over to check all cars parked nearby and boot any that have overdue fines. $$$ collected will pay his/her overtime and maybe, just maybe, students with overdue tickets will think twice about partying.

  2. Yeah, there were a few instances this past semester where responding officers had cars towed (ones that were illegally parked of course).

    And we know the tow company gets paid before the car is released.

  3. But we don't know if the cars were even illegally parked, not that it matters....

  4. Notice the military ID on the bumper? Tell me that wasn't part of this...

  5. I think this is a particularly candid representation of Amherst fascism.

    Compare it to the text on the notices that other cities have -- which contains the following information:

    1: Warning -- do not attempt to move this vehicle BECAUSE YOU WILL DAMAGE It.

    2: The telephone number to call.

    Compare that to Amherst's little love letter. And you make enough dire threats and no one ever believe any of them, ever.

    And the best part of this, in an economy where people are hurting for money, is that the town has assumed custody of the vehicle which means that anything that happens to it is the responsibility of the town. Remember that the reason why inventory searches are allowed is BECAUSE of liability for the property. And it truly is amazing the number of vehicles which are catching on fire nowadays...
