Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy weekend for Amherst Fire Department

Amherst Fire Department ambulance

Apparently in a "college town," unseasonably mild weather and copious quantities of alcohol go together like pizza and, ummm, beer.

In addition to numerous noise complaints all over town fielded by Amherst Police Department, their brother-and-sister First Responders were kept on the go all weekend long as well, dealing with the other byproduct of too much alcohol--a legal product, when consumed without restraint could cause death.

AFD summary of runs 1/27/12 through 1/30/12
Note cluster of ETOH (alcohol poisoning) calls at UMass late Friday early Saturday morning. And yes, that did tie up all four on duty ambulances, so that the only thing left protecting the entire town of Amherst (for fire or medical) was the Student Force--God love them.

Oh the irony: Irresponsible actions of students required the more upstanding responsible students (Student Force) to come to the aid of the town.


  1. Thank God the cardiac arrest didn't occur while all the ambulances and police were tied up.

  2. the town is very lucky for the dedicated students from Umass that make up the Student Force on Engine 3 but the number of calls this town experiences on a daily basis and weekends only proves that more full time staffing is necessary for the safety of all civilians in town and the surrounding towns..

    Ex-Student Force member
