Tuesday, January 24, 2012

APD doubles down on rowdyism

APD confiscated keg stash. Friday night acquisition, on left

There's absolutely no question the fine increase to $300 for alcohol related activities in town are working, and yes they are being paid.

Last night Finance Director Sandy Pooler told the Amherst Select Board that at the half-way point this budget year court fines collected have doubled, totaling $111,000 compared to $56,000 and $54,000 previously. Unfortunately the party season expands and gets meaner in the Spring.

On Friday night around 11:00 PM Puffton Village security called APD as they spied a handful of college aged kids lugging a keg of beer towards an apartment, who when discovered, dropped the keg and scattered, kissing goodbye perfectly good beer and their $100 keg/tap deposit.

Probably cheaper, however, than a $300 ticket for "possession of an unlicensed keg" (one of the newly increased in fees town bylaw), or being arrested for under aged drinking. In basketball it's called "hearing footsteps": when a player hurries a shot --and misses--because he thinks an opponent is bearing down on him.

The town manager recently acknowledged that both police and fire departments may be understaffed. At the rate the ticket revenues are going, Amherst could fund a pair of new positions for each department.

A sin tax for the greater good.

In Heaven There Is No Beer, but in Amherst...


  1. And when you have a dead cop, which is going to happen (eventually) if this in-your-face stuff is kept up, will you go to the widow and children and explain -- George Bush Style -- why the war was necessary?

  2. We're all going to die (eventually).

    First responders know all too well the potential cost of "just doing their job."

    (Although they may not be thankful for the reminder.)

  3. And a new fire truck, 3 police cars, and one horse!

  4. Sorry Ed,

    Asking kids to obey the law should not be something we are afraid to do. That's just asking for lawlessness.

  5. Asking kids to obey the law should not be something we are afraid to do. That's just asking for lawlessness.

    The same thing was once said about the draft and the Vietnam War if I am not mistaken.

    You folk have created a powder keg, you continue to make things worse, and when there is a spark, youth, alcohol, and visceral hatred -- not a good combination.

    Of course, all they had to deal with the Vietnam protesters was to hire more cops, I understand...

  6. "The same thing was once said about the draft and the Vietnam War if I am not mistaken."

    Oh, of course -- those noble, high-minded UMass kids are currently engaged in acts of civil disobedience. They're fighting for their right to party!

  7. Has there been a reduction in noise violation tickets? If so the tickets have NOT been working, just bringing in more money (and blowing away the facade of the town "just wanting everyone to live happy" and instead filling its coffers as everyone else knows). I understand the need and idea, but the town should maybe put these enthusiastic drinkers to work, saving the students and the town money while teaching everyone a lesson about each other. A much more "happy-valley" way of doing things.
