Thursday, December 22, 2011

Will Amherst rise to the challenge?

Could be worse, we could be Easthampton

Unless we have another major power outage through the New Year, safe bet that between now and December 31 Amherst will not suddenly quadruple its adherence to saving enough electricity to garner a free $10,000 (suggested list price no doubt) solar panel for our schools.

Too bad, because the schools could use a a lot of (free) light shed upon them.


  1. Yeah, we're way behind. Sunderland has only another 98% to go.

  2. When is the payback on a $10K panel?

  3. Looks to me like another fusillade in the ongoing War Against Christmas. Yes, reduce electricity usage in December, how might we do that -- yep, lets not decorate...
