Monday, December 12, 2011

AFD keeps rolling along

Sunday 4:00 AM Dumpster Fire behind Hillel House near UMass

Although far fewer ETOH (passed out drunk) emergency cases this past weekend compared to last, from 13 down to 5, it is still five too many, and a time consuming drain on our emergency services.

Surprisingly UMass, with only one case (compared to seven last week), did not win the weekly drink-yourself-into-a-stupor competition between our centers of higher education, while vastly smaller Amherst College was our weekend winner with two (five last week) and Hampshire College one (zero last week).

Unfortunately dumpsters provide an easy opportunity for mischievous vandals, and like the previous weekend, AFD had to deal with another early morning bonfire in a box, which, fortunately, is made of metal.

Amherst Fire Department weekend runs 12/9


  1. It is very easy remove the dumpster from Hobart. If people do not already know there is a 5,000 dollar bounty on whoever is lighting the dumpster. There was a case a few years ago where the AFD let the dumpster keep burning student's cars got caught on fire. After that there where no dumpster fires where the proposed Umass frat park was supposed to go. ALSO WHOEVER IS DOING THIS WILL BE CHARGED WITH SERIAL ARSON AND THE ALMOST 30 COUNTS IT IS UP TO AND ALSO IS A FELONY. WILL BE DOING SOME SERIOUS TIME IN THE GRAY BAR HOTEL. THE AFD IS ALREADY STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT.

  2. Sorry to burst your bubble but AFD never let cars burn up on Hobart .....

  3. Hillel is not near Hobart- it is near the slum known as Phillips St.

  4. Yes, but the dumpster fire last week was at Hobart.
