Saturday, November 5, 2011

Top of the morning!

McMurphy's Uptown Tavern 11/5/11 9:45 AM

Over 50 patrons were already lined up alongside McMurphy's Uptown Tavern entrance at 9:45 AM this morning awaiting a 10:00 AM opening. Yes folks, McMurphy's is a bar.

And even though the owner and manager described to our illustrious Select Board (acting as Liquor Commissioners) two weeks ago the customers they expected at this event to be "a little bit of an older crowd" they look, umm, kind of young to me.


  1. how is this different than any other time they have done this? face it, people are bringing money into town as a result, spending it locally. are you one of those Amherst anti businessers?

    you are on a ridiculous witch hunt.

  2. What is the event? I really can't believe it's a drinking contest.

  3. Kegs and eggs.

    Probably more drinking than eating.

  4. And they're all over 21, so stuff it.

  5. Nearly one-third of U.S. troops killed in Iraq were age 18 to 21.

  6. You could engage in classic Amherst protesting of these types of events.

  7. They have a serious problem. Never in my life have I even considered drinking alcohol at 10 AM. How disgusting. Serious alcoholics.

  8. Actually Anon 7:44 AM, I use the more modern approach with my bitching.

    (See Greg Saulmon's epic above-the-fold Sunday Republican article on social media.)

  9. "Nearly one-third of U.S. troops killed in Iraq were age 18 to 21."

    Good point. If they're old enough to fight they should be old enough to have a beer. Lower the drinking age.

  10. you should have titled this post:
    "Tap of the morning!"


  12. Unfortunately a dog bites man story.

  13. Why are you concerned with 100 over 21 people drinking when just down the road at the football stadium was more than 30,000 people drinking many of whom are uderage students. When you know what your priorities are let me know. Until than go after someone who is actually causing a problem. Thanks
