Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Party House runner up

The Enchanted Forest: 83 Morgan Circle

Nestled in a fairly solid, not-yet-overtaken-by-students residential neighborhood, 83 Morgan Circle made the police report this past weekend for the first time since last March . That may not sound like something to celebrate, but last year this address was party central, earning my "Party House of the Semester Award" for their repeated shenanigans.

Police responded early Sunday morning (1:45 AM) to a call complaining about a "loud party". When police arrived resident Ryan Good promised his remaining guests would "keep the noise down." Fair enough. APD issued a written warning.

Ryan Good's name did not show up last March when residents at 83 Morgan Circe were sited for the fifth separate occasion. So maybe we have had a turnover this fall with all new housemates who are not quite as outrageous as the Bad Boys who lived there all last year, but not exactly Mother Teresa types either.

Which makes you wonder what kind of background check the property owner does before turning over the keys to the front door?

Interestingly the house at 83 Morgan Circle is co-owned by Stephan Gharabegian who also owns almost half (4 of 9) the, errrr, dwellings on Phillips Street, arguable the worst slum in town. Which is why I dubbed him "King of the decadent street." One of the four he owns includes 33 Phillips Street, where white, pretty boy rapper Paul Markham proudly resides.

Mr. Markham's anthem "Welcome to The Zoo" perpetuates the party atmosphere that feeds the machine built around alcohol. Perhaps Markham will change his tune when some kid dies due to alcohol poisoning.

Former Amherst College Pres Tony Marx busted for DUI (driving a company car)


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Marx, but thank you for reporting that. Wonder how come the LIBRARY has a company car (for him to smash up)??

  2. Thanks, Larry, for reporting on these issues.

    Thanks to Amherst homeowners for continually going the extra mile and calling the police night-after-night.

    Thanks APD for always arriving so quickly and working so hard to keep the peace.

  3. Ask the Amherst College staff how they feel about President Marx's arrest. He treated some employees like dirt.


  4. I would still hope nobody would celebrate such a bad outcome (which could have been far, far worse.)

  5. Of course, no one's going to admit it, and no one's going to get out the party hats and noisemakers that they used earlier this year at the College on the Hill when he announced he was leaving. But there's a comeuppance there that many will (silently) feel was long overdue.

    By the way, do you know just how much alcohol one has to consume to get to a .19 blood alcohol level? Yikes!

  6. Larry, any one of your cop buddies will confirm this: if he was actually operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .19, if he was actually able to operate it (I am not saying well), and if his BAC really was .19 at the time (and not afterwards, not a faulty reading), then it clearly wasn't the first time he had done something like this.

    Which means.....

    Yep, we do have a double standard in the oh-so-liberal People's Republic. Poor guy probably thought "do you know who I am" would work in NYC too....

  7. I think the article said he was tested an hour after the accident so by then his body would have processed out of his system at least one drink. So yeah, I assume he has a built up tolerance for alcohol.

    However, APD is deadly serious about DUI. No way in hell they would have pulled him over in Amherst and then let him go simply because of who he was.

  8. No -- if he was tested an hour later, he can beat the charge. The issue is the alcohol in his blood (and not stomach) at the time of the incident.

    Look at it this way: you are stone cold sober. You chug a fifth. You are still sober for a short while -- the alcohol still has to get into your bloodstream.

    And if you have a few drinks and then immediately hop behind the wheel, your BAC will actually rise while driving, as the alcohol goes from your stomach to your blood. And every defense attorney knows this -- which is why if he was tested an HOUR afterwards, a good lawyer likely can get the figure tossed. He wasn't driving then.

  9. As much as I hate to admit it because in general I think Ed is an idiot, he is right this time. An hour later, his BAC could have been higher than it was when he was actually driving.
