Monday, November 28, 2011

Party Apartment of the weekend

Puffton Village apartments

As a testament to how tight a ship Puffton Village manager Steve Walczak operates, this is the first time a Puffton Village resident has achieved this dubious honor--although in this particular case more than well deserved.

Police were first called early THIS morning to #236 Puffton Village and immediately noticed "Loud thumping music could be heard upon arrival. The individual was slightly argumentative." But the town noise bylaw was thoroughly explained to her--and the consequences for violating it. She was issued a written warning, and the police went on their way.

Ten minutes later police are called back to the scene for--you guessed it--loud noise coming from apartment #236. According to APD narrative:

Moments after clearing the scene, music was turned back on. The arrestee was very uncooperative. The remaining guests were cleared out. A second roommate was found sleeping and explained the town noise by law.

Arrested for violating town noise bylaw:
Xxxx, Lunenburg, MA, age 20

Update 2/7/12. As per our agreement I deleted her name after she paid the fine (and I'm convinced I will not see her name again in the Amherst Police report.)

Puffton Village is owned by town patriarch Steve Puffer.


  1. The roomie was SLEEPING???

  2. ^ Hooked on phonics worked for you!

  3. While I enjoy the peace and quiet there, the rates they charge are inhumane (as are the demons who work in the office, as well as they are inhuman).

  4. Larry Kelley: Proud Umass Alum.

  5. you are a joke to society.

  6. Yes, I am a proud UMass alum--one of the main reasons that motivates me to do this.

    Also: fifth generation born and raised Amherst resident. That's another one.

  7. If you are such a proud Umass alum why do you feel the need to demean students from your own school who more likely then not had a better time then you, and on top of that will probably be more successful in the very near future. Also, shave your stache and grow up.

  8. Probably not as successful if any prospective employer does the most simple of background checks.

    Just Google Peter Clark, UMass or Emmerson Rutkowski for instance.

    And my wife loves the stache
