Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not so instant replay

So when we cut to the video replay of the November 22 (Amherst Media incorrectly stamped the date) Amherst Regional School Committee meeting, clearly Kristen Luschen did not "second" the motion to go into executive session.

When specifically asked by Chair Rick Hood if she was seconding the motion she responds "No, I was asking about..." and then they go off on a brief tangent never to return to the proper parliamentary procedure for using an executive session--something that should never be taken lightly.
The Amherst Select Board, only 24 hours earlier, demonstrated the proper way to go into executive session. Note Alisa Brewer say under her breath, "All those lovely details." Indeed.

What say you now Mr. Hood?


  1. Before he can respond to you Larry, he has to ask Maria what he's supposed to say.

  2. "If a motion which requires a second does not receive one, but is discussed or voted on anyway, it is too late to object to the motion on the grounds that a second was not offered. This is because the purpose of the second has been fulfilled: the assembly is obviously willing to consider the motion."
    from Roberts Rules of Order

    Time to let it go, Larry!

  3. I don't think the state of Massachusetts goes by Roberts Rules of Order.

  4. But the SC goes by roberts rules.

  5. Obviously the Select Board does not. I guess we should ask the Attorney General what she thinks. Do you want to? Of course, she will not respond to Anon inquiries.

  6. I'm not interested in wasting my time. Be my guest. You clearly have nothing better to do. I, on the other hand, have a life.

  7. But you clearly have enough time to come here to defend their sloppy behavior.

    And like the reporter who spells your name wrong in an article, you then wonder what else they screwed up.

  8. I think you better go measure the water temperature in a school bathroom. You are heading to sillyland again.

  9. Yes, Nitwit Larry - my mistake - to be wasting my time coming to this blog and actually commenting. You so rightly point out what a waste of time it is - and so, I will stop wasting my time reading these silly vendettas you go on from time to time.

  10. Speaking of which, check out my new post coming up in just a few minutes. (A 25 year vendetta no less.)

  11. Larry "Don Quixote" Kelley.
