Sunday, November 20, 2011


Roundabout in front of Atkins Country Market

The Atkins Corner Roundabouts are coming into their own and should start seeing traffic by this time next year (although the occasional after dark confused driver has already tread on them).

And the new bypass connecting West Street over to West Bay Road has been in use, without any problems, for a while now.

By pass over to West Bay Road (shortcut to Applewood Retirement Community or Eric Carle Museum)

The scuttling of Form Based Zoning for this part of town will probably have no impact on Atkins as the nifty new infrastructure makes it all the more easy to deliver shoppers directly to their front door. But I'm sure they would loved to have had a clustered development or two spring up nearby where folks could actually live within walking distance.

Just another lucrative sunny Sunday at Atkins

My sniper perch


  1. Nice shots. Where were you when you took them?

  2. What a waste of money. To think that a single traffic light could have solved the whole problem.

  3. people actually do live within walking distance

  4. Oh yes! Let's put a traffic light at every intersection. Why not one at every driveway? That way we can have more cars idling for nothing. Plus, it will take twice as long to get anywhere.


  5. Larry, if they can't use that arsenic laden sand at the landfill, you probably shouldn't be playing in it.

  6. I held my breath AND washed my clothes as soon as I got home.

  7. Yeah, form-based zoning because Atkins is starved for customers. Try to get a parking space. They keep expanding their lot because they are already at capacity. However, you've got it right. Form-based zoning is just a fancy word for open the floodgates on development.

  8. I don't get the big push for form-based zoning so businesses can build in these village center. First of all, Atkins corner is not a village center. There's no village. Second, the population of Amherst is not growing, so all we are doing is weakening existing businesses by further diluting customer demand. All you are going to get is competition for the businesses in S. Amherst's center, which is the real village center for the area.
