Monday, September 12, 2011

Town Mgr Musante released from hospital

9/11 turned out to be an auspicious day for Town Manager John Musante. According to the breaking news wing of the Amherst town website:

(September 12, 2011) Town Manager John Musante is now recuperating at home, following injuries received in a fall on September 6th. He was released from Baystate Medical Center in Springfield on Sunday, September 11th.

“It is wonderful that John is now home and that his recovery continues to progress so well,” said David Ziomek, Acting Town Manager. “All members of the Town staff are sending him good thoughts and best wishes, and we look forward to when he is well enough to be back here with us. In the meantime, we have the Town’s business well in hand, so that he can focus all his energy on feeling better.”

Select Board Chair Stephanie O’Keeffe concurred and said “There is an incredible team here, and the community is very fortunate to have the service of such a tremendous staff. And, we are also all fortunate to serve in such a caring community. The outpouring of concern and thoughtfulness for John has been amazing.”

A statement issued last week by Musante’s wife, Marlene, indicated that his recuperation will require considerable rest, that his phone calls and visits will be limited and that visits can’t be accepted without prior arrangement. At that time, she said “We are optimistic that he may be able to return to work in several weeks.”

1 comment:

  1. I hope John Musante reads this blog.

    John, don't come back too soon, and don't come back for full days at first. You need your health, so does your family, and so does the entire town.
