Friday, September 9, 2011

Town Manager John Musante doing better

Update on Town Manager John Musante’s Condition
(September 9, 2011)
Marlene Musante, through Town Hall, is issuing the following statement:

John is recovering well from injuries sustained in Tuesday morning’s fall. Tests indicate no health concerns contributed to this fall, and slippery conditions are considered the prime factor.

He is expected to leave the hospital in the next few days to continue his recuperation at home.

Rest is the most crucial element to his healing. Visits and phone calls will be limited and no visitors can be accepted without prior arrangement.

Every head injury is different, and a timeline for the recovery process is impossible to predict. However, he has made great progress already, and we are optimistic that he may be able to return to work in several weeks.

John has inspired all of us with his strength and resiliency, and he has kept his sense of humor throughout this ordeal.

John’s care at Baystate has been outstanding. We are enormously grateful for the talent and kindness of his medical team.

We are so appreciative of all the good wishes we have received. It means so much to know that we are surrounded by such caring and support. Please accept my heartfelt thanks, on behalf of John and our entire family.

When there is more information to provide, additional statements will be issued.


  1. Great news.....its almost funny in a short period time he really has turned things around. I think it will always be a head scratcher what Gerry Wies and the prior board saw in Larry Shaffer when they chose him over John who had already had proved hiimself....

  2. Well I guess it helped that a member of the Amherst citizen selection committee that highly recommended him is now living with him in Michigan.

  3. Would that be the same person who told us how devastating it would be if we, the permanent residents of Amherst, decided to improve the soccer fields on Potwine?

  4. Interesting pattern:

    Lecture us from your high horse today.

    Live somewhere else tomorrow.

  5. Off topic, but I would love to see your take on the teachers contract issue. I am wondering why the police and fire can go over a year without signing a contract and nobody cares, but this somehow seems urgent. I honestly don't understand the difference.

  6. The other two Town unions are also workng without a contract. Theirs expired on June 30, 2011.

  7. so why are the teachers so frantic? are they not still working under their old contract like the other unions? Ive heard a serious lack of sympathy for them around town. the media isn't explaining it very well.
