Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Send a stern message

Amherst Police Department, 111 Main Street

Maybe this Friday night the "Have a Heart" coalition of concerned UMass higher ups should play "good cop bad cop" with the hoards of zombie like students traipsing about nearby neighborhoods looking to party.

As the good cop they can hand out oatmeal raisin cookies while requesting restrained civility for the rest of the night while Amherst Police Department can don their riot gear and do whatever it takes to prevent a recurrence of last Friday's riot at 121 Meadow Street.

And perhaps large electronic message signs should be placed at north and south main gateways to campus blinking the stern message: "Get rowdy? Get arrested!" Either that, or spike the cookies with Thorazine.


  1. Let me add a generic comment to save the semi-articulate the trouble of posting:

    "u stupid amherst ppl dont know what fun is so what we party too bad u dont like livng here move 2 belchertown cause partys were here b4 u and will b here 4 EVAH ha ha ha"

  2. Can't we all just get along?

  3. God help us if either the Patriots or the Red Sox win a world championship, because you know the rule at UMass:

    Today's riot must be bigger and more deadly than the last riot.

  4. The police and the huge fines are denying the children of Massachusetts what they have come to understand is The College Experience.

  5. You want a college experience? I'll show you a college experience. I'll show you kids scraping food and cig butts off plates at the dining commons on their work study jobs before they go to class. I'll show you kids working in nursing homes after classes in the afternoons, cleaning up after the residents. I'll show you kids who actually get dressed up and go to church or temple.

    Ooops, sorry. I left out the studying. Somebody MUST be studying!

  6. If we don't allow them to raise hell, trash property, disturb their neighbors, and defy the police now, it will only come out in far more unproductive ways later in their adult lives.

    This is a rite of passage we're talking about here, and it must not be disturbed.

  7. Why don't the neighbors just video the students screaming, urinating, etc. and post them on-line?
    That should get a response. Maybe the university administrators -- all 200 of them -- should come out on weekend nights and escort students to and from campus.

  8. To: September 16, 2011 9:29 AM

    THAT is an excellent idea. I think we should all do that when we see it happening. I think the other great idea is to post it in their home town newspaper. Maybe bringing some shame to their families would be a wake up call for mommy and daddy.
