Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Party Boys Return

Aspiring DJ Peter Clark, 41 Davis Neck Road, East Falmouth, Mass, age 21, and his sidekick Emerson Rutkowski, 36 Puritan Park, Swampscott, MA, age 20, were arrested last Friday for violating the town noise bylaw. Again.

Apparently they made like the Israelites bringing down the walls of Jericho, only this time with amplified music at their large apartment complex in North Amherst, situated only a beer can throw from the riot that occurred last weekend at 121 Meadow Street.

Both boys you may remember from last winter/spring when they unabashedly partied at 23 Tracy Circle in South Amherst, garnering repeated noise citations. In fact the boys were so upset with Amherst Police response to neighbors complaints by enforcing Town Meeting approved fines, that they founded a feeble Facebook group--now gone underground--called "F_ck the Fines."

Since UMass just recently extended the "Code of Conduct" to cover off-campus behavior, perhaps Peter Clark and Emerson Rutkowski can become the Poster Boys for how UMass can effectively deal with this scourge upon our town: Expulsion.

A bad apple here and a rotten apple there, stinks up the whole bunch.

#25 Town House Condos

According to Amherst Police Department narrative:

"Upon arrival I could hear very loud music throughout the complex. Upon entering the east quad, I observed approximately 150 college students, many underage drinking. The music was extremely loud and I observed girls dancing on tables. Upon seeing APD most parties fled. There were massive speakers and DJ equipment on the patio. The residents of #25, where the people were centered and the DJ equipment was located, were ID'd and placed under arrest for violating the noise bylaw."


  1. In a perfect world, they would be expelled, evicted and arrested.

  2. It will change. One party house at a time.

  3. Isn't there any heavier legal ammo the Amherst PD and district attorney can bring to bear? These dudes are repeat offenders, they're serving booze to minors -- a creative DA could come up with a list of charges as long as Pleasant Street.

  4. Well if Peter Clark comes knocking on my door again, I will personally take it up with DA Dave Sullivan, and you don't want to get his--or my--Irish up.

    I hear he was not overly happy that the Friday night he was out talking to and handing out cookies to students, there was a riot on the other side of campus.

  5. The whole handing out cookies to students thing seems more than a tad naive to me.

  6. Larry,

    What was the timestamp on that report? I like being able to read the text, but I miss that detail.

  7. 19:50:37 or about nine minutes to eight PM.

  8. Meadown that they unabashedly a beer can the Facebook ground--calls of Jering when the boys weekend at the Israelites by enforcing approved noise citations. In fact they may repeated fines." Apparently partment complaints by enforcing dow from large aparent complainter/spring approved music at 23 Tracy Circle in North boys you made like the boys you may remember from the boys were so upset with Amherst were so upset with Amherst, situated at this time wints by enforcing apartmently that the Fines, t

  9. Girls dancing on tables? I don't remember that being a crime. I always love how all kinds of irrelevant things get thrown in as if they help build the case.

  10. The September 21, 2011 9:57 PM post looks like something written by a product of the Amherst Public Schools.

  11. Anon 9:57, put the mushroom DOWN and back away slowly, right now.

  12. it seems that anon 957 took pieces of the original writing and pieced them together. therefore, the original is as bad as the products of the crappy schools, and the writer is also doing mushrooms.

  13. And his punctuation was about as bad as yours.

  14. Hey buddy,

    Don't blame the schools for your natural born stupidity!

  15. Anon 9:28 burns you and all you can say back is "nice punctuation, buddy"... real convincing argument you got going there.

  16. Anon 9:28, it's called a cut up. William Burroughs was using the technique 50 years ago.

  17. "Anon 9:28, it's called a cut up."

    ... or article spinning.
