Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day weekend rap up

Besides issuing $300 noise violation tickets after arresting three party hardy types at #164 Sunset Avenue, the Amherst Police Department also arrested and fined 13 young offenders for what seems to be the most common alcohol violations in a college town where college is in session: "Liquor. Person under 21 possession," and "Open container."

And since these laws are fairly uniform nationwide, it's hard to argue "I didn't know."

APD busted another party apartment at Meadow Street Townhouse Apartments (scene of many past riots) under the noise ordinance with three arrested and each fined $300. The most serious violation concerning alcohol--Operating Under the Influence--only had one offender, but it only takes one to cause untold damage.

APD also distributed another dozen or so warnings for noise violations.


  1. Drinking age used to be 18. Now it's 21, so what was normal behaviour is now a criminal act.

  2. Going back a ways aren't we?

    Happy hours also used to be "normal behavior" at Amherst bars and drunk drivers who killed someone would routinely use the excuse "But your Honor, I was drunk."

    Times change.

  3. Not positive, but I believe John Musante was taken to the hospital at approx 5:45 this morning after falling while walking his dog in his neighborhood

  4. Not the same thing. Always been illegal to be a drunk driver.

  5. If you remember that drinking age, you remember the SAP (Speed and Alcohol Patrol) that was instituted after 4 kids were killed in a motor vehicle accident.

    Do we have the SAP any more, Larry?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. He's in critical condition.

    No jokes.

  8. Anonymous @10:11 am. It was not illegal to be a drunk driver in the US until 1910, and then only in New York, so not "always."
