Saturday, September 17, 2011

Basketball Jones

Coach Kellogg sets with Jada, then passes off

This morning my daughters got to meet the UMass basketball team and Coach Derek Kellogg at the Big E. What a great bunch of ambassadors they are for the game of basketball and our flagship University.
Jada's first slam dunk

Tonight UMass football takes on Rhode Island in their first home game here in Amherst, and the weather is rather pleasant. Let's hope the fans remember that they too are ambassadors for the University.
Kira getting the team's autographs

2 points!


  1. Yeah, wonderful ambassadors. As basketball players, not so much.

    Look for another long, bad season.

  2. These are nice young men. Win or lose, they are great ambassadors, and their families should be proud of them, and so should their coach.

  3. very sweet to see them having fun with the kids!
