Monday, August 29, 2011

What a difference...

"Until the morning comes again
I will remain with you my friend
And we will ride until the sun
Goes to the place where it begun
And we will live to laugh and cry another day"


  1. Glad we made it through. Not so good for Vermont. Megaflooding. Check out the youtube on Queechee, VT. That's some raging river.

  2. I drove from Arlington, Vermont through Wilmington on Saturday afternoon on the way home to Amherst.

    I'm hearing very bad things happened only hours later.

  3. Bad things from the non-existent hurricane? I thought there was no hurricane, Larry?

  4. There is no center of Wilmington. Just a lake at the intersection of Rt. 100 and 9. Flood waters were higher than in 1938.

  5. I was going to stop to take pictures as Wilmington is such a vibrant little town. Main street was still busy with a bevy a tourists poking their heads in the quaint little shops. Lots of American flags flying.
