Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stow the colors

Big Y doesn't look the same without Old Glory

While most people prepare for a hurricane by invading the local grocery store to wipe out supplies of bread, milk, and batteries, the Big Y in Amherst prepared for Irene by taking down their massive American flag to protect it from the wind whipping of a lifetime.

The town of Amherst also took the same precautions, including the UN flag nearest to Town Hall.
Town Hall sans American or UN flag


  1. You won't believe the hysterical email that UMass sent out -- they thought that the brook behind Lincoln Apts would flood all of Lincoln, that water wouldn't flow downhill as it always has before, but like Moses and the Red Sea, that there would somehow be this giant stackup of water just there....

  2. I learn something new from Ed every single day.

  3. But is it useful information you learn from Ed? I find his posts to be mostly useless babbling.
