Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amherst's Twin Towers

Boltwood Place, downtown Amherst

Although Boltwood Place will be a single five-story building on completion, this morning it resembled an iconic place, now but a memory.


  1. Two other similarities between these twin towers and the other ones:

    A: Both are being built in a community in decline due to leftist handouts and bloated municipal bureaucracy.

    B: Neither will likely house the intended occupants. WTC was intended for "World Trade" but first was governmental offices and then Wall Street firms -- and the is not/will not be enough retail & restaurant business in Amherst to fill Amherst's tower.

    My gut feeling is that -- a decade from now -- its proximity to the parking garage will make it a social service agency building...

  2. Not all that much retail for the Amherst building to fill as only the ground floor is commercial, and even then it's only 30' by 40'.

  3. Are these supposed to be condos? If so, what will the price be?

  4. Apartments.

    And I would guess the Penthouse ones will be a tad expensive (but well worth it considering the location,location,location.)

  5. once again you have made a totally creepy capitalization on the 911 tragedy.

    not only do you ignore the facts, you make a cutesy, or rather bizarre ominously overtoned comparison.

  6. Ponzitown's puppet mastersAugust 14, 2011 at 12:52 PM

    When them Taliban visited Umass about 13/14 years ago where'd they stay? Not in no hotel.

    And Amherst, Amherst couldn't kiss their feet nearly enough.

    Remember that, f'd up vicious little radical village?

  7. not only do you ignore the facts, you make a cutesy, or rather bizarre ominously overtoned comparison.

    First, I didn't write that. And second, I was discussing the BUILDING of the WTC, not the terrorist destruction of the same.

    My point -- I don't think that there is enough money in Amherst to sustain this development as it is currently intended...
