Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Recreation Roundup

On right: Stan Ziomek, Alisa Brewer Selectboard liaison to Rec commission

At tonight's Leisure Services and Supplemental Education Commission meeting the board discussed all things recreational as they prepare for the peak summer season. The War Memorial Pool repairs will be voted on this Fall by Town Meeting and the commission passed a motion requesting Town Manager John Musante implement an "early bidding process" so they can be accurate with Town Meeting money requests and then get an immediate start.

Without a fall start on the extensive renovation project there would not be enough time to get it done for reopening in the summer of 2012.

The Middle School Pool reopening to the general public in a joint effort between the town and the Regional Schools may not sound like a lot of hours (Mon-Fri 5-8 PM) but they correspond to the hours Mill River (outdoor) Pool is used for swim lessons and not available for general use. And the weekend hours 1-6 PM Saturday and Sunday are an extensive enough block for a family to make a day of it.

The total cost for the two months (July 1 opening, August 26 closing) is about $20,000 with three quarters of that expended for certified lifeguards and $4,500 payment to the School for electricity and chemicals.

Commission Chair Stan Ziomek questioned LSSE Director Linda Chalfant about whether it was true the night Town Meeting was told War Memorial Pool could not reopen because competent lifeguards could not be easily found (May 9). She responded that it's "never easy" but this tough economy made it easier and the reduced hours at the indoor pool requires less lifeguards.

The Middle School pool is a turn-key operation and requires no time consuming advance maintenance.

Families will be happy to hear the wading pools at Mill River and Groff Park will open 6/25 and the War Memorial Wading Pool will be open but not until July 2 because of a lack of electricity and water due to construction for the "comfort station" (bathroom). Mr Ziomek pointed out that the power line to the scoreboard was accidentally cut and the doner who paid for the scoreboard happened to be attending a game and was not happy about it.

A permanent electrical pole has been delayed because WMECO is busy with tornado related repairs in the region.

The 4th of July fireworks (a few hours after the 4th of July Parade) suffered a setback when a major sponsor pulled out leaving a $5,000 hole to fill. Mr. Ziomek asked if in place of the fireworks could the $10,000 pyrotechnic costs be donated to tornado relief efforts? Ms. Chalfant said vendors have been lined up who rely on crowds coming to see the show and sponsors have donated money for that particular event.

The fireworks will go on.

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