Sunday, June 12, 2011

Free at last

Station Road May 31

Station Road is finally now open for routine traffic after a train derailment the last day of May. The very next day Amherst was also visited by violent weather that had unleashed a devastating tornado on downtown Springfield.

Obviously the two unusual events are not connected.

Although...this other Amherst "news" website may try to tie them together. Yikes!

Station Road June 12


  1. Why does the NECR have gates on Station Road -- which sees little traffic -- but NOT have gates on the Main & High Street crossings -- which have a *lot* of traffic -- and which force the trains to blow their horns at all hours of the night, disrupting two colleges and thousands of college kids?

    Seriously -- why aren't there gates -- which the communities of Eastern Massachusetts demanded (and got) a half century ago -- installed at least on Main street?

  2. One other thing -- do not dismiss the fact that Amtrack was being bussed that day due to "track work" which raises the question of (a) why MCRR was running a freight over track that was under repair and (b) if that is part of what caused this....

  3. Yeah, I assume if terrorist wanted to create a catastrophe in Amherst THAT is where they would have planned to derail a train carrying chlorine.

  4. Jeez Ed, Why should the loud noise in the middle of the night bother anyone? Oh, I see as long as the disruptive noise doesn't bother you it's ok. Well the trains been coming through probably as long as the colleges have been here so I guess we all just have to deal with it. I'll tell my buddies on the rails to give you couple of extra toot's as a good faith hello. LOL!!!!!!!

  5. What's the story with that "news" site?

  6. You're too funny Larry.

  7. Nothing a little extra Prozac can take care of.

  8. Hey, forgive me for being logical you schmucks. I thought you actually believed that people ought to be able to sleep at night - no, it appears, you just hate UM students....

    Noise is measured in dB -- a party is not as loud as a train horn (that would be unnecessary were there a gated crossing) -- and this all to me shows the total hypocrisy in the town's noise ordinance.

    Heaven forbid that you base your viewpoints on objective things like how loud/disrupting things are and not just that it is the evil UM kids responsible...

    And one of these days, one of these UM kids is going to have a good lawyer and then you are really going to have fun...

  9. Is it just or listening to Ed's words is like hearing the peanuts teacher talk. Wa,wa,w,wa,wa,Waaa! I envision Ed's future is going to be as a faculty member somewhere with one of those greater than thou don't question my "knowledge" type ego's. Ed do you ever read you rants before you hit send? When is the last time you saw anyone post anything that resembled "very insightful Ed"? You need to focus more on your own blog, oh yeh you don't have an audience there LOL!!!

  10. Ed has a blog? OMG!!! Does he let others post or is it just his rants, I mean posts?
