Friday, June 10, 2011

Amhersty Art

A mural shaped like Hampshire County, lamenting the cost of war, was unveiled last week perched on the side of the Amherst Cinema building in downtown Amherst. The activist art project is a collaboration of area high school youth and Hampshire College mentors who are members of 'Get Up Get Down' a program run by the Youth Action Coalition. The project cost about $500 in supplies and was sponsored by Amherst area businesses.

Neighbors immediately filed a lawsuit over the presence of Wind Turbines, citing noise, visual pollution and disturbing the nesting ground of the Conservativo Republicas, an endangered species in Amherst.


  1. Equal space for opposing viewpoints?

  2. That mural wasn't there yesterday morning. Where did it go?

  3. They should've included some of Amherst's Mc Mansions in that, don't you think? Or a bunch of hundred dollar bills flapping away like birds headed south? A Prozac pill raining thunderstorm?

  4. Love it! Great going teens! Nice to see artwork instead of graffiti.

  5. Has the Bulletin stopped updating their website? Been a couple of weeks

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Maybe Mr. Hoffenberg is on vacation.
