Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Party House of the Weekend

47 South East Street

So if you're going to play exceedingly loud music at 2:00 AM make sure it's not "techno".

Under the headline, "Loud Techno Music and Party," Amherst Police restored peace and quiet to the neighborhood early Saturday morning, issuing one $300 ticket.

According to police narrative:

Loud music from DJ could be heard upon arrival. Approximately 15 guests playing beer pong on rear screened porch. All seemed to not hear officers attempting to get their attention. Resident identified and issued Town Bylaw citation for noise.

Property card for 47 South East Street


  1. This town has to lighten up.

  2. I'm sorry: "this town has to lighten up"???

    I'd like to see your anonymous ass at the neighbor's house at 2 am telling them to "lighten up." You wouldn't have the guts to tell them that.

    Two AM is too late to be making a racket in a residential neighborhood.

  3. Why do we have to lighten up? Just because it is the weekend doesn't mean that the neighbors don't have to go to work, or have small children, or don't want to be awake at 2 a.m. It's called being respectful of your neighbors. Some people don't have the option to sleep in late in the morning. Why must the people having these parties be so self centered that they think the world revolves around them? Because I've got a news flash; it doesn't.

  4. I am going to give you another news flash -- the middle is ceasing to hold. Not sure if you happened to see what has been going on in South Boston recently, but all of that will be coming out here next fall.

    Be very careful what you ask for because you really might just get the war with the UM students that you want to have, and you ain't got enough cops to win it....

  5. Huh? I didn't hear what you said, the music was too loud. And you will envy my cool hearing aids when I turn 30.

  6. I'm of course partial to South Amherst; Pelham is a tad too rustic. Hadley is nice with a much lower tax rate and good schools.

    But don't give up on your neighborhood just yet.

    The town is getting very serious about stabilizing neighborhoods, and the Gateway area is Ground Zero for that effort.

  7. So, what's going on in South Boston that should leave me awake at night?

  8. So is Anon 1:56 threatening us? It sounds like it.

    If UMass students refuse to live politely and peaceably with their permanent resident neighbors, then, yeah, we should keep fighting for our rights to the (reasonably) quiet enjoyment of our property. It's not too much to ask; it's not too much to demand. If that means "war" with the established culture at UMass, so be it.

  9. Is that a student calling out the people of the town?

    Big balls, son, for someone who doesn't even pay his own bills.

    Learn how to live on your own, without mom and dad paying for it and then come back and talk to us, who already learned how to be an adult.

    Yeah, keep on partying out of control and you'll be keenly studying the inside of a jail cell for a long time if you take on the civilized world.

    And then your poor parents will wring their hands about where they went wrong.

    You will not take over my neighborhood. I guarantee it. Not only that, but you will struggle to get into any college after we assure that your dumb ass is kicked out of Umass.

    Have a nice summer. See you in the fall!

  10. "Be very careful what you ask for because you really might just get the war with the UM students that you want to have, and you ain't got enough cops to win it...."

    Here's a news flash for Anon 1:56. The police in Amherst don't stand alone they have most of the community backing and a core group of students that don't agree with your thoughts. I don't care how big your keg party is. We have far more support than you will ever muster. Now get to bed little boy you have a big day tomorrow LOL!

  11. You will not take over my neighborhood. I guarantee it. Not only that, but you will struggle to get into any college after we assure that your dumb ass is kicked out of Umass.

    I had some interesting conversations with important people down to DC about this very thing. The issue is that they don't see this in the binary focus you folk do.

    Their attitude is that is if Amherst so hates UM students, exactly why should ED fund UM to educate them here? Why not somewhere else in a more favorable environment?

    Remember the proposal to have dorms at UM=Boston?
