Monday, May 16, 2011

Party House of the weekend?

No, not this past week--and yes, that is a good thing (although APD did issue 17 "warnings" over the weekend for noise.)

Guess I will have to find a new weekly feature for the summer slowdown. Stupid crime of the week perhaps. This week it would have been the assault in the parking garage on Friday night 8:45 PM where Harrison Madzy, age 39, severely beat someone about the head with a wrench, all over a parking spot. Dub that one "'parking rage".


  1. Hey I graduated yesterday and I find your discrimination against us college students very offensive. I mean, who says everyone should assume you are right about all the things you write on this blog? has what I think is a more right view of college students.

  2. "More right view" indeed. I like that. You must have been an English major.

    I especially like the forced alliteration--"the perpetual paradise of pacific peace and placidity"--in your sendup.

    P.S. And who uses Blogspot? Well, you just did.

  3. "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex :"

    I must have missed the post where Larry was unjust and prejudicial towards college students.

    I don't think he has unjust or prejudicial treatment against college students... I think he points out when some of them are jerks. Just like when he points out when locals are jerks.

    I believe that Larry is equal opportunity with his reporting, observations and commentary. If more locals threw loud, obnoxious and disrespectful parties I am sure that he would report on them.

    Long Live Larry, Loathing Loud Ludicrous Litigants

  4. Yeah, as a prominent politically savvy developer said of me recently: At least I'm an "equal opportunity pain in the ass."

  5. Do UMass students now go home and tear up their neighborhoods there? Or do they manage to conform to minimal norms of civility after they leave here?

    I'm just wondering if we're singled out for the special treatment.

  6. Larry --- think about this for a minute....

    Pounding on someone's head with a metal wrench versus being loud (and drunk) next door -- which exactly is worse?

    Larry, while I hope neither ever happens, which phone call would you dread more -- that some schmuck has pounded on your wife's head with a wrench and she needs you to hold her hand as she goes into a neuro-psych exam, or that she is really tired because some drunken schmucks kept her awake all last night?

    You love the woman, guys seek to protect the women whom they love, which is threat that you fear less?

    Larry, pounding on someone's skull is a whole lot worse than a loud stereo....


  7. Do UMass students now go home and tear up their neighborhoods there

    I am always struck by the extent to which the MBTA trusts people to behave -- things like dangling air brake cords where if anyone pulls it, the entire train stops real fast...

    For whatever reason, the UM grads, only a year or two older, aren't pulling these stop cord...

  8. Speaking of English- There is a U Mass Isenberg TV commercial- where a young woman talks about "doing good"

    We all make mistakes (and "well" be on the way out)- but in a university commercial- it should have been caught - and corrected!

  9. I agree with anonomus.

  10. Ed, who is making these comparisons besides you?

    The problem with student noise, hooliganism, and disrespect of their neighbors hurts students and hurts the Town of Amherst. No one ever suggested that it is comparable to violence directed at anyone.
