Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cairo Queen (busy bee) returns!

Mother Mary Streeter (owner of TM's chatty listserve) Carol Gray--aka Max Headroom

Apparently the fix was in at Monday's Town Meeting Coordinating Committee election, those stewards of the aging institution charged with streamlining the process; kind of like cowboys trying to herd cats.

Naturally the first thing I do with a town meeting member name (even before Googling it) is run it through my "Hall of Shame" upload from four years ago. You know, the more despicable night in Amherst Town Meeting when two-thirds of the body voted against flying commemorative American flags in town center to remember the most devastating attack on US soil in our history.

Amazingly (I say that with sarcastic intent, hence italics) all three show up: Carol Gray, Pat Holland, and Harry Brooks.

So yes, this is the same Pat Holland who led the Jones Library subcommittee along with Carol Gray charged with an "evaluation" of 30 year award winning Director Bonnie Isman, a process that bordered on harassment and spoiled her well earned retirement.

Ms. Holland paid the price as she was recently rejected in her reelection bid, even though she was both an incumbent and the sitting President of the Jones Library Board of Trustees.

And someday when Carol Gray has the courage to actually place her name on a ballot she too will pay the price. This time she ducked retribution by using the ancient Egyptian stealth method of running a whisper campaign otherwise known as "write in."

Out of a total town meeting attendance of 196 only 49 bothered to vote, with Mr. Microphone Harry Brooks getting 37, Ms. Holland 36 and the Queen of Cairo 30. About as pathetic a voter turnout as a typical Amherst local election. The price of apathy.

Yeah, let's hope the American flag in the corner gets to stay


  1. Amherst: condemned souls' last stop on the way to hell.

    Have a nice trip!

  2. I don't understand. If only 49 voted, why are the totals 37, 36, and 30?

  3. There were 3 seats open so you could vote for 3 candidates (and only 2 were on the ballot)

  4. And Mr. Kelley was elected to the ARA ... just how, exactly?

  5. tmcc is a haven for the "harrison haters" who think they can somehow shore up things to make sure poor vince o'connor gets justice when he demands a member be "disciplined." thankfully they can't do any real harm, so it's a good place for the queen and her lunatic disciples.

  6. Yeah, Anon 6:32 PM my most recent five year term came via a write in campaign, but I announced it before the election both on this blog and a three ads in the venerable Bulletin.

    Mr O'Connor took the Egyptian stealth method and ran only a whisper campaign and as result I beat him 67-18.

    My first three terms on the ARA came via Governor appointment.

  7. In Mayan lore, there is a prophecy:

    Maria Geryk, Superintendent of Schools

    Carol Gray, Amherst Select Board

    Sarah Palin, US President

    If all of these come to pass, the end of the world is at hand. One down, two to go.

  8. The Law of Conservation of Amherst Political Lunacy states that at all times the crazies must be in control of at least two boards or committees, to ensure that they have not infected all boards and committees. It's a kind of quarantine.

    Right now, the disease resides in TMCC and Library Trustees.

  9. Carol Gray's To Do List:

    2011--Hosni Mubarak
    2012--Harrison Gregg

  10. In Mayan lore, there is a prophecy:

    Sarah Palin: US President

    Maria Geryk: US Vice president, Palin administration

    When humanity, doing absolutely anything for money and power comes to pass, the end of the world is at hand.

  11. "Yeah, Anon 6:32 PM my most recent five year term came via a write in campaign, but I announced it before the election both on this blog and a three ads in the venerable Bulletin."

    Point taken - well done!

    - Anon 6:32 PM
