Monday, May 2, 2011

Amherst Town Meeting commences

The only surprise at tonight's Town Meeting kick off was the appearance by irascible Dave Keenan who told the venerable Gazette last week he would resign his seat after being arrested by APD for assault with a dangerous weapon and malicious destruction of property.

Perhaps a stern judge sentenced him to serve out his Town Meeting term, certainly a fate worse than jail (but not as bad as a bullet to the head).


  1. Criticism of the Moderator for his management of the meeting.

    Shouted "points of order" from all over.

    One-upsmanship on who cares the most about the poor.

    Second-guessing of the Moderator the next day on Mary Streeter's blog.

    Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

  2. Anyone notice how the Gazette chooses to cover Town Meeting differently? With the box format? Somehow the spectacle of Town Meeting makes the Gazette get all USA Today on us.

    Coherence, detail,and the careful explanation of the issues to the largest municipality in the readership area? Get real, that's so last century.

  3. Check out Tierkel and Weiss (no, it's not Laurel and Hardy) snapping at each other on the Town Meeting Yahoo group. Where have we seen this before?

    Oh, that's right, last year and the year before that and the year before that.

  4. Ah, the Arrogant Arbiters of All That Is Good and Right In Amherst, Bertrand, Churchill, and Tierkel, are lecturing us again in the Bulletin today.

    If only we all could all think like them.

    The reality is, when others have significant concerns that do not concern them, then those others should calm down and think more carefully. When one of them flies off the handle, as Churchill and Tierkel have in recent months, then we all must snap to attention.

  5. Beware of political actors in town, like these three, who continually instruct you on how to think and then how to discuss the critical issues of the day.

    Their ultimate aim is for YOU to shut up.

  6. Tierkel's objective is simple: pack every elected board in town with his friends. He's very good at it.

  7. Oh ye Journalism Gods at the Bulletin:

    Please may this truly be a "Guest Column" and not the beginning of a regular slot for these three self-righteous twits.

    Lord, hear my prayer.

  8. Hey, hey, hey, this is all much too harsh.

    After all, these are nice people.

    Instead of "Amherst Center", they could come back to the Bulletin as "The Benevolent Dictators".
