Sunday, May 8, 2011

Amherst Sunday Morning

Thanks Mom

Lunch at Judie's: great way to thank Mom

Carol Hepburn introduces Jada to baby lamb

Frat House 382 N. Pleasant St (their Moms would be so proud)

37 Phillips Street

At ease

But tomorrow they will be back to the grind, as Amherst's $4.5 million road reconstruction continues.


  1. Larry -- do you know the schedule of the Lincoln Avenue repaving? No one is telling the UM students and if you could, that would be newsworthy and greatly appreciated....

    Orange barrels tend to mean work anticipated.....

  2. Lincoln Avenue is not on the list, strangely enough.

    The Public Works Commission did approve speed tables for Lincoln and a few other streets last week but they will be installed when the roads come up for rehab under the normal rotation, and Lincoln did make the cut this time around.

  3. The type of parents sending their little brats off to live in this filth don't really deserve a Mother's Day. I'm sure they couldn't wait to get rid of them once they turned 18.

  4. Very sweet picture with the baby lamb. Hang on to those pictures Larry. She'll be off to college before you know it, and it will feel like yesterday that you were taking this photo!

  5. Thanks, good point. Already happening with the 9-year-old.

    Fortunately Picasa saves every photo I ever publish in a separate file somewhere and one of these days when I get organized...

  6. Thank you for the Mothers' Day pics! Good job!

    No, all mothers deserve thanks -- I'm sure they love their messy students. Mercifully, they will go home soon. I hate to say it, but I think we have to lean on the landlords more.
