Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's yours is mine

Trampoline half on town property. Note also cleared, mowed area of encroachment
A couple square yards here and a couple there, pretty soon you're talking football field

No wonder the folks cocooned in high-end houses on Tanglewood Drive are so heated about the town finally getting around to turning the expensive old dump into something productive--a lucrative, environmentally friendly solar farm.

Not only do they now enjoy a great view, but some of the folks have enhanced that view by encroaching on town property.
A backyard view

A tree fort and swing way out on the landfill

Cleared manicured area beyond the property line


  1. that last picture...the house on the bottom...i did the front walk and bach patio

    but since you are censoring my posts, i doubt you will publish this one

    btw, those property lines vs aerials are known to be off by as much as 10 ft or more

  2. A big house needs a big yard.

  3. I have an amherst friend who's homeowners insurance was cancelled for having a out!

  4. this is a shocking situation! call in church lady to take care of it! huff! huff!

  5. Fill it to the brim, with sh**April 15, 2011 at 11:21 AM

    Take take take take take = Amherst

  6. Yes they even have a web site.

  7. Two other thoughts if the property line is the landfill itself and not just a buffer zone -- first, who let houses be built that close to an unlined landfill? And second, has anyone gone into the basements of any of these houses and checked the air for, say, VOC or hydrocarbons anytime recently?

    Not wanting to scare anyone, but if those structures are that close to the actual footprint of the landfill (and from the geography, it looks like they are), there is a very real issue of the leachate plume.

  8. Why not place the solar panels at Cherry Hill? Few people live around there and there may be space for windmills on the hill. Lots of trails surround Cherry Hill so people will still be able to hike and x-country ski. Revenue for the town and no more paying for an unneeded third golf course in Amherst.

