Thursday, April 28, 2011

Town flag inches forward

Although it seems to be taking longer than the American Revolution, the Amherst town flag quest received positive feedback at the 4/20 Select Board meeting, even from Alisa Brewer who was a tad crabby about the process a couple months back.

Although you have to wonder what she meant by the Amherst schools not being interested in purchasing town flags considering their devotion to American flags, since state regulations do require an American flag in every home room.

The six town flags will cost $88.48 each and costs will be covered by the Amherst Chamber of Commerce ($530.88) and the Amherst Rotary Club will cover the slightly more expensive one for the State House Great Hall of Flags.

Nationally renowned designer Barry Moser has agreed to volunteer his professional artistic talent to design the flag (based on citizen submissions earlier in the process) as long as the town can wait until the fall. And since it has been this long in the making...


  1. Never a more pointless project has been proposed.

  2. Perhaps Lord Amherst giving blankets infected with smallpox to the Indians could be the theme.

  3. Does anyone in Amherst care about this, beyond, of course, the in-crowd doing the political marriage retreat this spring?

  4. Are there penalties for burning the Amherst flag?

  5. Yes, you have to watch all of town meeting on ACTV.
