Monday, April 11, 2011

Party House(s) of the weekend

64 Pomeroy Lane

This week we have a tie: 64 Pomeroy Lane and good old Phillips Street, number 51 to be exact. Yes, a few weeks back I gave that entire street the dubious distinction of "Party Street of the Weekend."

According to Police narrative: "Large party with outdoor fire at 64 Pomeroy Lane. Approximately 100 people cleared out. Three residents put the fire out. They were arrested for town bylaw noise violation and illegal burning. Transported to APD for booking. House was secured before we left."

Meanwhile 10 minutes earlier on the other side of town (in the heart of the Gateway District): "Loud party. Minors identified on the scene in possession of alcohol. Approximately 40 guests cleared from residence. History indicated past responses. Two tenants identified on scene placed under arrest. One individual ID as minor in possession of alcohol placed under arrest."
51 Phillips Street

In addition to party/nuisance house enforcement, APD continued their campaign of proactive policing by arresting and or issuing summons to 50 college aged individuals for open container or underage drinking all within walking distance of UMass as well as an individual for Driving Under the Influence.

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