Friday, April 8, 2011

The last campaign

In a beautiful home perched high on a hill overlooking scenic South Amherst friends, supporters and former-enemies-turned-friends gathered tonight to toast Catherine Sanderson--to sincerely thank her for three years of bruising work challenging an entrenched system, asking questions that others feared to voice and suggesting solutions some considered sacrilege...until they worked out for the betterment of our most cherished asset: the children.


  1. Do you think the name-callers can resist the temptation to get in the last word, Larry?

  2. The campaign signs will work like crosses do against vampires and keep them at bay.

    Besides, they thrive on a home court advantage.

  3. It is certainly a beautiful home.

  4. Post-mortem: How many write-in votes went to Catherine?

  5. A truly beautiful human being.

  6. her 15 minutes of fame are over...

  7. Actually it was more like 3 years; and I'm sure to a Cowardly Anon Nitwit like you it seemed like an eternity.

  8. Catherine, great to see you in perfect form last night!

    Living well is truly the best revenge....

  9. 30 years from now, people will realize that she was right. That alone will be her vindiction...

  10. 30 years? how about 30 weeks.

  11. Or 30 minutes. What a culture of mediocrity we are creating here in the schools. Now the high school is forming study groups to make sure students don't achieve too much, much like the administrators being hired lately. We are in a race to the average.

  12. On a more positive note, we are definitely winning the race to mediocrity.
