Monday, April 4, 2011

Jones Library has a new trustee

Amherst College professor Austin Sarat won the vote 8-1 in a combined meeting of the Jones Library Trustees and Amherst Select Board and will serve out the remaining one year term left on Kathy Wang's seat, who resigned due to time constraints brought on from her day job--principal at the ever expanding Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter school in Hadley.


  1. So where have all those smart-talking, self-righteous anonymous teacher-blog posters gone now that Catherine Sanderson has closed up shop?

    They tore her down and lost their soapbox.

  2. This blog, in a matter of a few days, has become downright boring.

  3. Keep up the postings Larry. Just because some people would rather have something to argue about doesn't mean the rest of us find it boring. Silence is golden...

  4. Yeah. If there's nothing particularly titillating to talk about, it must mean that town government is running pretty smoothly. Not something to complain about as far as I'm concerned.

  5. I think the politics on the board at Jones Library just changed immeasurably, and I think for the better.
