Monday, February 14, 2011

Party house of the weekend

Over the weekend Amherst PD issued twice as many warnings (six) for "noise violations" as they did actual tickets (three). Probably a good sign, as the perps must have come into instant compliance with orders from responding officers to lower their late night decibels.

But two locations (out of eight) failed to get the message and as a result garnered an expensive Scarlet Letter: a $300 ticket for violation of the town's noise bylaw. Rolling Green apartment #18 gets the not-so-coveted 'Party House of the Weekend' award since two responsible parties (both age 20) each received a ticket and the runner up at 1 Edgehill Place (age 19) only garnered a single ticket.
1 Edgehill Place


  1. Larry: I think that the Boulders used to be Brittany Manor Apartments? Rolling Green Apartments are the ones on Route 9 in the vicinty of Echo Hill and are still called by that name. I hope the Town is actually able to collect these fines from the party houses.

  2. Thanks. Hard to keep all the apartments strait (both Brittany and Southwood changed their names over the years).

    Rolling Green still has a fair amount of families and townies--maybe that's why the party house was issued a ticket rather than a warning.

  3. Larry,

    Did you get your camera over to Amherst Typewriter to cover how the ceiling fell in this weekend due to landlord neglect? I'd think you'd want to cover the story of a small business struggling to survive?

  4. "Thanks. Hard to keep all the apartments strait"

    Or straight, as they say in English.

  5. Yeah, I could use a copy editor for sure.

    Hard to get them to work for free however.

  6. Larry,

    I'm really disappointed in you. The poor Amherst Typewriter owner has been struggling to recover from a stroke and keep his little shop open. Others have rallied around him. There’s a fund started to help him keep his store, yet you just avoid it. I wonder why?

  7. Why don't you just start your own blog (it's free) and cover whatever you want?

  8. Why are you not interested in covring this?

  9. In old time journalism speak his plight would be considered a "dog bites man story."

    Did the Westfield Evening News fall all over itself to cover the last remaining buggy whip factory closing at the turn of the century?

  10. I got ya. You only want freak show stories rather than genuine human interest. Your only concern is what will stir things up enough to get some action on your blog. People in the end are irrelevant. It's just about Larry chasing the fame monster.

  11. I believe my former editor Nick Grabbe covered the "human interest" element of the story in great depth a while back for the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

    Or do you get all of your Amherst news from me?

  12. Funny, when your business was sinking like a stone, the whole world should care about it. Even though you were stuck in 1978.

  13. And should they now care more because he's black? That would be reverse racism.

    Or maybe because he's ten years older than me? That would be reverse ageism.

    People, at first. seemed to care about the Leading Edge when they bellied up. Not so much anymore.

  14. yes, it was brought up by 9:19

  15. The ceiling fell in on Amherst children.

    Where's the typewriter dude on that?

  16. For crips sake the guy owns a typwriter shop in the high rent district. The business was destine to fail sooner or later.
    Or better yet maybe he can find a better location and sell 8-track and cassette tapes.
    I'm truly sorry he had a heart attack and having trouble, but let's keep some perspective here.

  17. Larry's just jealous because no one tried to rally and help rescue his failing business. That's because no one cared. In this case they care. Perhaps it's because the typewriter guy never called anyone a nit wit. Good lesson there.

  18. This is why people rooted for your business to fail.

  19. No, only Cowardly Anon Nitwits like you may have. And you don't count. In the least.

  20. Individually, perhaps not. But when we all stayed away, down your business went.

  21. Yeah, and you "all" probably migrated to 'The Leading Edge'--lot of good that did ya.

  22. Planet Fitness, baby, Planet Fitness!

  23. I think it's slightly hilarious that you document publicly others who have supposedly "messed up" in a futile, disgusting attempt to embarrass your fellow members of the Amherst community. Considering more than half of the population is comprised of college age students in school, many of whom are unable to afford tuition, let alone an exorbitant fine. If you want to help support the community, try appealing the town to fix the ten thousand potholes (which actually caused us already one flat tire) instead of worrying about ruining everyone's fun. Try showing up to one of these parties someday. Maybe it'll loosen you up.

  24. Actually I did show up at a few last year late one night when I did a "ride along" with APD.

  25. Trolololololollllll

  26. Wait, was it Bring-your-daughter-to-work-day for the Police Dept? I just hope they let you ride up front instead of in the back, with the other kids.
