Wednesday, February 9, 2011

District Court upholds Noise Bylaw

This past Friday the U.S. District Court dismissed a case brought against Amherst filed in October, 2009 by a disgruntled tenant alleging his arrest for violation of the town's Noise Bylaw (now carrying a $300 fine for the first offense) was a violation of his "civil rights" along with 13 other choice charges, and that the noise bylaw itself was "unconstitutional."

Of course the perp made two mistakes: being a repeat offender (although on the second offense APD apparently only gave him a "warning") and using himself as an attorney.


  1. But at least he saved money by representing himself. Probably a wise move since he already has fines and maybe more parties and more fines in his future.

  2. Yeah, and the price went up for the fines since he filed suit.

  3. Umass anarchists and happy valley justice:

  4. I hear it's nice in Florida this time of year.

  5. Can't speak to Florida, but Maryland has already had "three blizzards" this year -- and the DC suburbs are littered with broken tree boughs.

    Yep, global warming....
